Rifa Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 11 results

  • [BL] His Omega

    [BL] His Omega


    Hu Yetao is surprised to discover that he is a rare male Omega. He assumes his pull towards Oscar Wang because the Slytherin is an Alpha, but there is more at play here than even Hu Yetao knows. This is a twist on the Alpha/Omega-verse. HOGWARTS AU Oscar Wang x Hu Yetao Warning; As we all know, Hogwarts doesn't belong to me. Readers' discretion is advised...

  • Sahabatku Cintaku

    Sahabatku Cintaku



    Seorang gadis kecil bernama Zahra yang diasuh oeh teman kedua orang tuanya yang bernama Rifa'i. Rifa'i adalah sahabat dari kedua orang tua Zahra, dia juga seorang dokter yang sudah berkepala tiga namun tak kunjung menikah. Walau seperti itu dia sangat menyayangi Zahra. Zahra yang memang membutuhkan sosok ibu selalu berdoa agar Sang Pencipta mengirim wanita berhati malaikat untuk ayah angkatnya. Sifat Zahra yang aneh, membuat banyak pegawai tidak betah dengan sikapnya. Terlebih lagi suatu ketika Zahra mulai mengalami hal-hal aneh yang membuat baby sitter nya merasa tak betah bekerja. Zahra juga mengalami mimpi-mimpi misterius. Serta mimpi bagaimana kedua orang tuanya saling mencintai walau sahabat dekat. Gadis ini mulai menemukan misteri pembunuhan kedua orang tuanya. Apakah Zahra Indana dapat mengungkap misteri itu? Dan bagaimana kisah manis kedua orang tua Zahra? Apakah Zahra juga akan mendapatkan sosok ibu yang diidam-idamkan olehnya?

  • rifa fizka krafa

    rifa fizka krafa

  • A Pair of Hidden Eyes

    A Pair of Hidden Eyes

    Setelah sekain lama, akhirnya Samuel datang ke kampung halamannya di Bandung. Maksud hati ingin merayakan hari ulang tahun ayahnya, tetapi yang ia dapatkan hanyalah kekacauan. Ayah dan ibunya tewas dibunuh oleh sekelompok orang asing yang berpakaian serba hitam. Mereka bahkan tak segan menyiksa Samuel yang dinilai terlalu ikut campur dengan mencongkel kedua matanya sampai buta. Suatu hari, seorang wanita paruh baya bernama Farah datang menghampirinya. Farah merupakan pendiri organisasi bernama Aquiver yang menawarkan jasa balas dendam untuk para klien mereka. Samuel memutuskan untuk bergabung demi mencari siapa dalang dari kasus pembunuhan kedua orang tuanya. Dia dilatih menjadi sosok yang kuat di tengah kondisi barunya sebagai seorang tunanetra.

  • Tolong Bebaskan Aku, Mayor!

    Tolong Bebaskan Aku, Mayor!

    Apa yang akan kau lakukan jika ketika kau pulang dari Paris, keluarga dan rumahmu tidak lagi terasa seperti milikmu? Itulah yang dirasakan oleh Selena Rifai ketika ia kembali ke Jakarta setelah tumbuh dan besar di Paris sendiri. Ibunya tidak lagi bersamanya, malah, ada sosok wanita lain di sisi ayahnya. Seolah tidak cukup, wanita itu bahkan membawa putri nya ke dalam keluarganya! Rumah yang biasanya menjadi tempat ia berpulang, kini terasa berbeda dan asing. Rumahnya sudah sepenuhnya dikuasai oleh ibu tiri dan saudara tirinya, ia bahkan tidak punya tempat di sisi ayahnya yang terlalu sibuk memimpin kota. Merasa muak dengan kehadirannya yang seperti benalu di rumahnya sendiri, Selena memutuskan untuk lari dari rumah dan hidup sendiri. Baginya lebih baik berkenalan di kota asing daripada tinggal dengan napas sesak di rumah yang terasa asing. Tapi mengingat ayahnya adalah seorang Walikota yang punya kemampuan untuk melacaknya dengan cepat, apakah mungkin Selena bisa benar-benar bersembunyi dari ayahnya dan melarikan diri?

  • [BL] How I Survived Transmigration With My Ghost Hubby

    [BL] How I Survived Transmigration With My Ghost Hubby


    As an agriculture graduate, Ji Ran felt that the most terrifying thing was not death nor transmigration, but marring Lu Zhen, the eldest master of the Lu Family, who had died a long time ago and turned into a ghost. It was an order from the emperor which made Ji Ran could not resist; the only thing he could do was to accept this cruel fate... However, unexpectedly, this ghost Lu Zhen not only had a handsome appearance, but took care of Ji Ran in every possible detail, and became the only one Ji Ran could rely on to survive in the Lu Family. "I blocked a fatal attack for the emperor and was made a general by His Majesty after my death. But now wealth and status are no longer important to me, for I only want to be with you forever." "Please don't leave me. I really don't know how to live without you, in this world of transmigration, in this ruthless Lu Family..." In the light of the candle, two figures clung to each other on the paper window...

  • pemikat hati ku

    pemikat hati ku


  • cinta yang tak usai

    cinta yang tak usai

    Zania tak bisa berkata apa pun, setelah mendengar kabar bahwa Faldo telah bersama perempuan lain.Padahal belum putus dengannya, Airin hanya bisa menunggu waktu pulang agar segera mendapat jawaban yang sebenarnya. Akankah kisah Airin dan Faldo berujung bahagia?? atau malah sebaliknya?? simak ceritanya yaa..

  • kisah cintaku part 1

    kisah cintaku part 1

    Gatau kenapa semenjak aku kenal dengan diaa aku merasa sangat nyaman, setiap hari dia tak henti selalu memberi kabar dan pada akhirnya kita saling bertemu dan disitu lah dia mengucapkan kata "mau ga kita pacaran" ?? gatau kenapa pada zaman itu memang mudah mengucapkan kata cinta dan sulit untuk menolak hehehehe dan akhirnya pun kita resmi pacarannn.aku lebih banyak menghabiskan waktu dengan Ahmad pacar baru ku bukan Dengan amel sahabatku lagi, gatau kenapa semenjak aku pacaran dengan ahmad dia menjauh seperti tak ingin berteman denganku lagi. aku selalu menghubungi dia tapi tak bisa, aku selalu chat dia menanyakan ada apa, kenapa beda tapi tak pernah dibalas. Hingga akhirnya dia berkata bahwa aku adalah seorang PELAKOR yang mengambil kekasihnya yaitu Ahmad Rifai yang aku pacari hingga hari itu, aku marah dengan ahmad kenapa dia harus berbohong padahal aku sudah sangat mencintainya tapi ahmad selalu mempertahankan aku dan selalu menjelaskan bahwa amel bukan siapa siapa nya.

  • The Princes Ninja

    The Princes Ninja


    Rifa, dia adalah putri dari kerajaan Rindang. Anak ini selalu membaca buku dongeng yang selalu menceritakan tentang peri, oleh karena itu anak ini memiliki imajinasi yang sangat luar biasa. Namun, imajinasi nya inilah yang telah membuatnya menjadi The Princes Ninja. Ayo kita ikuti kisahnya di novel The Princes Ninja.

  • She closes her eyes and shakes her head Starts to say some words that

    She closes her eyes and shakes her head Starts to say some words that

    ey always acted like they were friends Great harmony but unfortunately these two are never ready now to have a boy or a girl I used to not have them one day I told them I'm not okay I feel like something is chasing me I came to them terrified and scared and after a long struggle of screaming but they smiled saying nothing Yariva you You fantasize, go to your room, I went and their smiles don't leave my mind. At the age of 13, I was a girl who couldn't stand looking at them, even though they were trying to fix the mistakes of the past, but I always complained, saying, "Leave me alone at night." They know that what broke me when I was a little girl will not be corrected. I yelled at her saying, “If you know, go from here.” At the age of 14, I was on a trip with them to a place that I detested. You want to go with me Give me your hand So that we can walk together Because I don't want you to go out of my sight Hold my hand I felt the first time I became someone important to them I went with him and came back so happy At that time I forgot everything and decided to live with them all my life But this happiness doesn't last long after we came back I went back to my previous life, no one cares, no one listens to me, they scold me all the time, at the age of 15 I can no longer look at their faces, they both tried to kill myself, I thought I succeeded, but actually I failed when I woke up, the doctor told me, "Lucky for you, you are on Alive and if they were a little late, you would be dead now Pay attention to yourself more my little girl and he came out she was happy I said that my father helped me I sat for half an hour preparing what I will say and how to justify my action Happiness was filling my heart and mind to the point that my thoughts were interrupted all the time He opened the door My smile became indescribable But when I entered our neighbor, who lives with us in the same place where we live, she was very despairing. She came to me and hugged me. I spoke to Rifa, you are my brother. Praise be to God. I told her where is my father. that I would treat them the same way with me I came home very angry that day and when evening came my mother and father came together They acted as if I wasn't there Acted as if I wasn't about to die completely cold And the next evening I was sitting alone on the balcony and then I went out I didn't notice that Mom I went to the balcony too and I stood there enjoying the fresh air I grabbed her feet and lifted them off the ground Rifa screamed what are you doing Then I told her go to hell and threw her she died My happiness was indescribable but I came down crying and screaming as loud as I could On the day of her burial, everyone was crying, screaming, crying, and breaking down. She made everyone who was there sad. But on her dirt, she knew that she wouldn't be alone when we came home. My father walked carelessly, he might walk. He was so sad. Then I caught a glimpse of a big truck. It was close. A little while I stood behind him and put my hand on his back and when I got close I told him he was scattered He died too they couldn't bury some of his parts to me because

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