Kyryyl Barcelona Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 30 results

  • The Forgotten Princess.

    The Forgotten Princess.



    Bijaklah memilih bacaan, terdapat beberapa adegan kekerasan dan dewasa dalam novel ini.“Suka atau tidak suka kau akan tetap menjadi wanitaku, Gina,”ucap Massimo dingin tak terbantah. “Semuanya sudah tertulis dalam perjanjian yang dibuat kakekmu dan kakekku.”“Aku bukan bagian dari keluarga Sanders lagi, jadi aku tidak berkewajiban memenuhi perjanjian itu.” Gina menjawab lantang tanpa rasa takut. Massimo tertawa lebar. “Jadi kau menolakku?”“Tentu saja!”“Baik, kalau begitu akan kubuat satu-satunya orang yang kau cintai hidup dalam keadaan menyedihkan. Akan kubuat dia berharap kematian lebih baik dari hidupnya saat ini,”ancam Massimo sungguh-sungguh. sinopsis:Gina yang terlahir dari wanita yang tak diakui keberadaannya oleh keluarga sang ayah terpaksa harus mencari ayahnya ke Barcelona atas amanat sang ibu yang meninggal karena kanker. Hidup bersama ibu dan saudara-saudara tirinya ternyata tak membuat hidup Gina menjadi lebih baik, sang ibu tiri yang mengincar harta ayahnya menghalalkan segala cara untuk membuat putra kesayangannya Diego Alvarez menjadi ahli waris keluarga Sanders. Sementara itu Gina harus terjebak dalam sebuah perjanjian gila yang dibuat kakeknya puluhan tahun yang lalu untuk menjadi wanita seorang ahli waris dari penguasa Barcelona Massimo del Cano yang tak menginginkan pernikahan, Gina menjadi pengganti adik tirinya atas perbuatan sang ibu tiri yang menjebaknya.Hubungan yang Massimo inginkan tak lebih dari hubungan Tuan dan budak, mampukah Gina bertahan dalam hubungan itu? Hubungan mengerikan dari seorang pria yang ternyata menjadi cinta pertamanya.

  • His soul

    His soul

    Urban R18 TRAGEDY CEO


    "Like it or not, you'll still be my woman, Gina," Massimo said coldly, undeniably. "Everything is written in the agreement your grandfather and my grandfather made." "I'm not part of the Sanders family anymore, so I'm not obligated to fulfill that agreement." Gina answered loudly without any fear. Massimo laughed out loud. "So you rejected me?" "Of course!" “Fine, then I'll make the only person you love live in a miserable state. I will make him wish death was better than his current life,” Massimo threatened earnestly. Synopsis: Gina, who was born to a woman whose existence was not recognized by her father's family, was forced to find her father in Barcelona on the orders of her mother who died of cancer. Living with her mother and stepsisters did not make Gina's life any better, the stepmother who was after her father's property justified everything to make her beloved son Diego Alvarez the heir to the Sanders family. Meanwhile, Gina must be trapped in a crazy agreement made by her grandfather decades ago to become the heiress of the ruler of Barcelona Massimo del Cano who does not want marriage, Gina becomes a substitute for her step-sister for what her stepmother set her up for. The relationship that Massimo wanted was nothing more than a master and slave relationship, could Gina survive in that relationship? The terrible relationship of a man who turns out to be his first love.

  • Vivir en Barcelona

    Vivir en Barcelona

  • BARCELONA 2003/2004

    BARCELONA 2003/2004

  • The history of FC Barcelona

    The history of FC Barcelona

  • Barcelona I love you

    Barcelona I love you

    Urban ROMANCE

    Zeline terpaksa harus bekerja sebagai karyawan magang di perusahaan daddy-nya dengan aturan bahwa tak boleh ada yang tau dirinya adalah anak pemilik perusahaan karena paksaan daddy-nya yang beralasan agar Zeline belajar dari bawah sebelum dirinya menggantikan daddy-nya menjabat menjadi CEO.Dan secara tak sengaja ia dipertemukan dengan sekertaris daddynya juga sahabat dari kakaknya yang menurutnya menyebalkan. Namun ketidak tahu-an identitas asli Zeline membuat Jun bersikap dan memandang Zeline sama seperti semua wanita yang berusaha mendekatinya.

  • I love my team fc Barcelona if the lose am still a fc Barcelona fans

    I love my team fc Barcelona if the lose am still a fc Barcelona fans

  • Football System

    Football System

    Sports SYSTEM


    Follow your dreams only to get stuck halfway is not something that anyone wants. David Hunter was someone like that, his dream was to play in the first league of the European league. Either with giants of Barcelona or Real Madrid. Some dreams only stay like that, only to dream no matter how hard you try. Or do they? ************************* I write this for my own amusement, if you like to read things to pass time, you are welcome to have a look. Schedule? 1 Chapter every week on Mondays, if you want more check my patreon PS2: I posted this story on too, so I can reach more people!

  • From Dreams to Goals

    From Dreams to Goals

    "From Dreams to Goals" is an enthralling account of the life and career of Takumi, an exceptional footballer. The book takes us on a journey from the narrow streets of Yokohama to the legendary stadiums of Kawasaki Frontale and Barcelona, as we witness the highs and lows, victories and challenges that shaped Takumi's extraordinary odyssey in the beautiful game. The story is captivating, and it portrays the struggles and successes of a remarkable sportsman with great detail and clarity.





  • FOOTBALL : The Rise of a Ball King

    FOOTBALL : The Rise of a Ball King


    A Spanish Football Fan Unexpetedly travelled through time to his Early age and Became a Football Player Who Grown Up in Barcelona Football Academy , And Became Greatest Player Who will Dominate the Era .

  • Glory from the Ashes: The Legend of Amir the Footballer

    Glory from the Ashes: The Legend of Amir the Footballer


    "Glory from the Ashes: The Legend of Amir the Footballer" follows the life of a young aspiring footballer who dreams of becoming the greatest football player in history. Born in a small village in Egypt, Amir's football talent emerged at an early age. The reader follows Amir's journey from playing in the narrow streets of his village to training in one of the country's top academies. As he grows and develops, Amir confronts the challenges and sacrifices that come with pursuing his dreams. After proving himself at the academy, Amir moves on to play for Al Ahly, one of the biggest clubs in Egypt, and then transfers to Barcelona, one of the largest clubs in the world. The reader explores how Amir deals with the pressure and high expectations, and how he continues to grow and evolve as a player. Ultimately, "Glory from the Ashes: The Legend of Amir the Footballer" reflects the journey of a young player making a name for himself in the world of football. The novel tells a story of passion, challenge, and perseverance, showcasing how a young player can become one of the greatest in history.

  • Football Star

    Football Star


    "Today is a sad day in sports, one of the greatest soccer managers in history is on his deathbed. Michael Espinosa is a name many in sports know, especially in soccer. Pep Guardiola has always said he looks up to him and is his long time mentor. Barcelona fans are going to miss their coach."Michael Espinosa's greatest regret in life is not fulfilling his dreams as a player in the field due to an injury that ended his career prematurely. Luckily, destiny, the Gods, or some error in the matrix, gave him a chance as he wakes up in the body of a 14 year old about to start high school. Follow Michael as he gets a second chance at his dreams.

  • Frágil



    Os quatro caras mais atrativos da Escola de Arte de Barcelona estão interessados pela mesma menina: Malvina Lynn, uma garota tímida por fora, mas totalmente pervertida por dentro. Com quem ela vai ficar? É você que escolhe.

  • Gairah Putra Mahkota

    Gairah Putra Mahkota

    Ares adalah menantu yang tidak berguna di keluarga Smith, dia dihina dan berusaha diusir dari keluarga Smith karena pekerjaanya sebagai tukang perabot. Martha sang istri berselingkuh dan membuat Ares benar-benar terpuruk. Tuan Davidson yang bekerja sama dengan Thomas (kekasih Martha) menjebak Ares agar lelaki itu benar-benar terpuruk. Ares tidak menyadari bahwa dia adalah putra mahkota keluarga Yuan yang disembunyikan puluhan tahun. Keterpurukan Ares akibat hinaan membawahnya bertemu dengan tuan Alderic, sang ayah yang merupakan raja bisnis di Barcelona. Keluarga Yuan mencari perempuan yang bisa menyembuhkan hati Ares akibat kegagalannya dalam berumah tangga. Pertemuan dengan Anne Aldero membuat Ares melupakan sakit hatinya. Namun, perempuan itu menyimpan ribuan misteris yang membuat Ares tidak mengerti.

  • The Reincarnated Knight

    The Reincarnated Knight

  • Fight in Love

    Fight in Love


    Richardo Collingwood, putra dari pemilik Perusahaan Anggur terbesar di spanyol. Dia bergabung disalah satu kelompok mafia di spanyolNara Holmes, Putri tunggal dari pemilik perusahaan senjata asal jerman. Dia seorang Agent FBI yang tangguh.Mereka dipertemukan di kota barcelona. Dengan berbagai masalah yang datang menghampiri menambah rasa kebencian diantara mereka. "Aku sangat membencimu Rich! Sangat membencimu!!" Nara menunjuk wajah Rich. "Kau pikir aku tidak membencimu? Aku muak melihat wajahmu! Aku tidak tahu harus bagaimana lagi aku katakan bahwa aku sangat sangat membencimu!" Balas Rich dengan Nada Tinggi.

  • My Husband's Wife

    My Husband's Wife

    Urban ROMANCE

    Alto dan Vanya dua orang asing yang dipaksa menikah. Mereka pun melakukan sandiwara pernikahan. Siapa sangka, sandiwara itu berujung panjang. Dimulai masuknya Ariana ke kehidupan Alto. Perginya Diego ke Barcelona. Kemudian Vanya menyusul Diego ke sana. Hingga Alto juga menyusul Vanya. Di Barcelona, perasaan mereka diuji. Pilihan harus ditentukan. Salah satu pihak akan tersakiti. Siapakah sebenarnya yang akan tersakiti?

  • Apocalyptic Caribbean Mercenary

    Apocalyptic Caribbean Mercenary


    Welcome to Esperanza capital of puerto príncipe de barcelona a small Caribbean island spared from nuclear destruction it's an beautiful place with white sandy beaches oh and people hanging from the palm trees.Welcome Home

  • Two Worlds, One Heartbeat

    Two Worlds, One Heartbeat


    "Two Worlds, One Heartbeat" is a heartwarming tale set against the backdrop of picturesque Barcelona. The story follows Enzo, a young American photographer, who ventures to Spain in search of inspiration and adventure. His life takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Sofia, a local musician with a passion for her city’s culture and arts. As their paths intertwine, Enzo and Sofia embark on a journey of discovery. From the narrow, cobbled streets of the Gothic Quarter to the vibrant hues of the Magic Fountain of Montjuïc, each chapter unfolds their deepening relationship. Language barriers and cultural differences initially pose challenges, but they soon learn to communicate in a language beyond words. Through shared experiences, from attending traditional Catalan dances to exploring the artistic legacies of the city, Enzo and Sofia develop a profound connection. Their story is a testament to the universal language of love, art, and empathy. As they navigate the complexities of their budding relationship, they find joy in simple moments and learn about each other’s worlds. Enzo’s perspective on life transforms as he immerses himself in Sofia's world, discovering the rich tapestry of Barcelona and its culture. Sofia, in turn, finds in Enzo a kindred spirit who deepens her appreciation for her own heritage. Their journey together is a blend of laughter, silent understanding, cultural exploration, and the unspoken depths of companionship. As the seasons change in Barcelona, so does their relationship, evolving from a friendship into a deep and enduring love. A story about finding connection in diversity, understanding in silence, and love that transcends all barriers.
