Libero Novels & Books - WebNovel

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  • Libero


  • TCG: Libero

    TCG: Libero


    A world that has survived a crisis opens the doors to a hopeful future. As clear and crystalline as the surface of a lake; but when you dive headlong until you touch its bottom, you end up realizing that that pristine glow was only a mere appearance. Living in a rigid society with inevitable changes that he does not dare to face, Emilio will have to start living with the weight of his actions and past, clinging to it with both hands while the uncertainty about his future takes him to the bottom of the lake. that no one wants to see.

  • libero tips

    libero tips

  • Donec turpis tortor

    Donec turpis tortor


    Nunc efficitur, sapien eu facilisis tincidunt, enim purus mollis ex, ac consectetur felis est vitae purus. Donec efficitur, massa ac rhoncus varius, arcu lectus pellentesque erat, quis feugiat tellus justo id magna. Curabitur hendrerit quis sapien at ultricies. Praesent et libero non metus tempus mollis at eget lorem. Sed commodo quis turpis sed hendrerit. Integer at tempus purus. Sed molestie pharetra tincidunt. Vivamus dictum efficitur commodo. Mauris tempus lectus ac lacinia vulputate. Proin feugiat velit sollicitudin metus pretium semper. Phasellus vestibulum, leo ut aliquam molestie, ante elit interdum diam, eu interdum eros neque ultricies augue. Aenean sit amet diam at quam pharetra sollicitudin sit amet ut eros.

  • Aozora



    /Forbidden to post. This book is not contracted by any platform./"Wow, what happened?" The ball stopped. Who is he?"One of the comments said. The atmosphere turned off bustling."It worked.We should be able to score."A loud shout from the Teiko team captain. Setters then provide a quick pass to their Ace.Two opposing middle blockers try to block. But it's a shame they were too late on the jump.The ball finally managed to fall under the opponent's area."This is Shuichi Takao.Libero from Teiko school boys volleyball team."His commentary friend then replied."It's great to be able to stop Heiji's deadly serve.The dance of the Teitan school boys' volleyball team."The commentators at the volleyball match praised Takao. The match is over. Score 2-1. The man's volleyball team from Teiko school successfully defended the first place for the fifteenth time. One week after the winter tournament. Players earn the title with their positions. Shuichi Takao has the best Libero in Japan at the junior high level. The seasons have changed. Shuichi Takao was standing in front of the school building. After graduating from middle school, Teiko continued his education."This is the place."Takao then walked in Howaitoiguru High School. The school will be a place to study in high school.After leaving the classroom, Takao stepped into the volleyball gym.When he got there, how surprised Takao was to see the man's volleyball gymnasium which was dirty and neglected. But different from one on the side. The women's volleyball team room looks clean even the floorboards are shiny."In fact, this school's men's volleyball team won first place and participated in national championships."The teacher looked at Takao.He had known and heard about Takao when he was in the middle school.His hunch said that the men's volleyball team would experience glory again."Please don't take my money."The boy begged his money back.But they did not return but instead of laughed.Takao then I walked over to them."Who are you?"Don't be meddle in my business." "Hey wait. Aren't you the one sitting behind me?"One of them said that. Takao then I remembered the first time he sat on his bench. He saw that there were several scary-looking people sitting in front, behind, right and left."You?"Takao pointed at the youth with his index finger."Finally, you remembered.Don't interfere in our business if you don't want your body to be hurt." The young man threatened me. A smile graced Takao. He then took out his cell phone which contained a video of the actions of a group of his classmates.Like I've found good news. I like volleyball too. He will do everything as long as he can play volleyball again.Members of the men's volleyball team consisting of bad boys is the most feared by all students.Would this be a challenge?



    /Di larang post. Buku ini tidak terkontrak oleh platform manapun./"Wah, apa yang telah terjadi? Bola berhasil di hentikan. Siapakah dia?" Salah satu komentar berbicara. Suasana berubah ramai. "Berhasil. Kita harus dapat mencetak angka." Teriakan keras dari kapten tim Teiko. Setter kemudian memberikan umpan cepat kepada Ace mereka. Dua middle blocker lawan mencoba untuk menghadang. Tetapi sayang sekali mereka terlambat saat melompat. Bola akhirnya berhasil jatuh ke bawah daerah lawan. "Dia adalah Shuichi Takao. Libero dari tim voli putra sekolah Teiko." Teman komentarnya kemudian menjawab. "Sungguh hebat bisa menghentikan servis mematikan milik Heiji. Ace dari tim voli putra sekolah Teitan." Komentator di pertandingan voli memberikan pujian kepada Takao. Pertandingan berakhir. Skor 2-1. Tim voli putra dari sekolah Teiko berhasil mempertahankan juara pertama untuk ke lima belas kalinya. Satu minggu setelah turnamen winter cup. Para pemain mendapatkan gelar dengan posisi mereka. Shuichi Takao mendapatkan gelar sebagai Libero terbaik di Jepang tingkat SMP. Musim telah berganti. Shuichi Takao berdiri di depan bangunan sekolah. Setelah lulus dari SMP, Teiko kemudian melanjutkan sekolahnya. "Ini dia." Takao kemudian berjalan masuk. SMA Howaitoiguru. Sekolah itu yang akan menjadi tempat belajarnya di SMA. Setelah meninggalkan kelas kemudian Takao melangkahkan kakinya menuju gedung olahraga voli. Saat tiba di sana, betapa terkejutnya Takao melihat gedung olahraga voli putra yang kotor dan tidak terurus. Tetapi berbeda dengan yang berada di samping. Ruangan tim voli putri terlihat bersih bahkan lantai papannya mengkilap. "Selamat siang." Takao menyapa murid putri yang sedang berlatih dan melambaikan tangannya. "Siapa kamu?" Seorang gadis yang berambut pendek serta wajah yang menakutkan bertanya dan menghampiri Takao. Dia berjalan dengan membawa bola voli. "Aku adalah murid kelas satu yang ingin menjadi anggota tim voli." "Kamu ingin menjadi anggota tim voli di sekolah ini?" "Benar. Apakah kalian tahu di mana para anggota lainnya?" Takao menganggukkan kepala perlahan. Semua gadis yang berada di sana kemudian tertawa. Takao tidak mengerti kenapa mereka mentertawakan pertanyaannya. Seorang guru yang melihatnya kemudian mendekati Takao. "Sekolah kita tidak memiliki anggota tim voli putra. Selain murid kelas tiga lolos dan tidak ada lagi yang menjadi anggota voli putra. Bahkan anggaran untuk tim voli putra akan dialihkan untuk tim voli putri." Takao sangat terkejut setelah mendengarnya. Dia tidak menyangka kalau tim voli putra sekolah Howaitoiguru akan di bubarkan. Seorang guru menatap Takao. Dia sudah mengetahui dan mendengar mengenai Takao saat masih SMP. Firasatnya mengatakan kalau tim voli putra akan mengalami kejayaan kembali. "Tolong jangan ambil uangku." Anak itu memohon agar uangnya di kembalikan. Tetapi mereka tidak mengembalikan tapi justru tertawa. Takao kemudian berjalan menghampiri mereka. "Apa yang sedang kalian lakukan?" "Siapa kamu? Jangan ikut campur dengan urusanku." "Hei tunggu. Bukankah kamu yang duduk di belakangku?" Seorang dari mereka mengatakannya. Takao kemudian teringat saat pertama kali duduk di bangkunya. Dia melihat ada beberapa orang yang berwajah menakutkan duduk di depan, belakang, sisi kanan, dan kiri. "Kamu?" Takao menunjukkan pemuda itu dengan jari telunjuknya. "Akhirnya kamu sudah ingat. Jangan ikut campur dengan urusan kami kalau tidak ingin badanmu menjadi terluka." Pemuda itu mengancam. Sebuah senyuman menghiasi wajah Takao. Dia kemudian mengambil handphonenya yang tersimpan sebuah video perbuatan sekelompok teman kelasnya. Seperti sudah menemukan berita yang baik. Takao menyukai voli. Dia akan melakukan apapun asal bisa bermain voli kembali. Anggota tim voli putra yang terdiri dari anak nakal paling di takuti seluruh siswa. Bukankah ini akan menjadi tantangan tersendiri.




    ⏩©copyright,tutti i diritti riservatisequel: "VIVERE NEL PERICOLO".STORIA COMPLETATA⏪Ragazzi e ragazze,tutti rinchiusi nello stesso lurido posto.Vittime delle loro azioni.Vittime di ciò con cui si sono macchiati.Vittime di chi li ha cresciuti.Ma soprattutto,vittime di loro stessi.Quando sei vittima di te stesso non puoi correre da nessuna parte.Solo imparando ad affrontare la realtà,solo così,potrai dire di essere veramente libero.Ma ci si può liberare della propria mente?Non potrai mai sentirti libero se prima non impari a convivere con quel che hai fatto pagandone le conseguenze.Alcune cicatrici è difficile guarirle.Dipende dove te le porti,se nel corpo,o nella mente.I pensieri fanno male,logorano.Le azioni ne conseguono.Ma quando ti ritrovi in un posto dove quel che hai fatto ti viene messo tutto su un tavolo,non puoi non guardare in faccia la realtà.Così impari a conviverci h 24,rimanendo solo tu coi tuoi pensieri perenni.Loro verranno uniti da una sola cosa,ovvero,una cella fredda ed un pavimento polveroso dove parlare dei loro maledetti problemi.E questa,è la loro storia... Lui,per lei è come una calamitaLei,per lui è la persona sbagliata.Lui,è la tempesta.Lei,è la calma.Lui,è la persona da cui vorresti stare lontano.Lei,è la persona a cui vorresti stare affianco.Lei,è cresciuta volendo pensare al futuro.Lui,è cresciuto restando intrappolato nel passato.Lei,angelo dannato in cerca di emozione.Lui,demone disperato in cerca di pace.LEI,VITTIMA DEL PERICOLO.LUI,VITTIMA DEL CRIMINE.

  • I Love This Naughty Kitten

    I Love This Naughty Kitten

    Fantasy ROMANCE R18 COMEDY

    A man got a kitten to one side, because at its mercy he adopted and took care of the kitten. At first he had a good life with the kitten, but suddenly something happened...CHARACTERSHendrix Takeuchi - He was half Japanese, and half Canadian, he's the Captain of the Volleyball team amd brain of the group. His team representing the Japan, who always win in the game. He loves studying, especially in Science. He likes video games too, and he's a serious type but sometimes an active one.Cyro Ishida - He was half Japanese and half Australian, he's the libero of the team. He was the shortest of the team but don't underestimated him. Because he's good at playing volleyball. He was also a hyper one, and he doesn't want to insult his height. Don't insult him or you'll regret it.Yuki Matsui - He was pure Japanese, he's one of the blocker in the team. He was a normal boy, who can interact to others. He likes drawing or painting. Clyde Sugimoto - He was half Japanese and half Filipino, he's the wing spiker of the team. He's a calm person, sometimes serious. He likes to cook or bake, so sometimes when they having a bonding lf the team, they're always at his house to serve the team a delicious foods.Yamamoto Chiba - He was also a pure Japanese, he's the middle blocker of the team. He was the very active in their team. Who always have a lot of energy. He likes to play volleyball and soccer. Kai Nakayama - He was half Japanese and half Korean, one of the spiker in the team. He was calm person, he likes the studying too, especially Math. One of his talent is dance.Lev Watanabe - He was half Japanese and half Russian, he's the ace of the group. He was the tallest of the group. He loves cat so he always catch cats somewhere, but he will take care of it. Teshiro Kobayashi - He was pure Japanese, he's the setter of the group. He was calm and quiet sometimes, but he can interact to others. He likes playing volleyball and basketball.~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•~•These are the characteristics of the characters, so you will know about them when you reading this story. Sorry if there's have misspelled and grammatical errors in my story, because English is not my first language. All of the details here are just my imagination, and I made this just for fun. I hope you will like, and I hope you will support me. Enjoy Reading guys!PS: The cover is not mine, credits to the owner of it.

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