Matt Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 256 results

  • He Stole Me From My Deadbeat Husband

    He Stole Me From My Deadbeat Husband



    [COMPLETED.] [Side Story released!] [Mature Content.] “That baby is mine, and so are you,” He declared, pointing at Kate’s belly while his deep green eyes gazed at Kate, like a viper ready to strike. Kate couldn’t believe that he– Henry Grant, her new boss eight years younger than her, was the father of her unborn child. “We should be together by default. But I will give you a choice. Go and suffer with your deadbeat husband, or come with me, I will show you the fun you’ve missed.” ===== For the past five years of her marriage, Katherine “Kate” Woods, 32, had always believed she was infertile. She was unable to conceive a child and her deadbeat husband Matt always insulted her for it, calling her a useless woman despite never finding a job himself, forcing Kate to be the sole breadwinner of their family. Yet, he still had the nerve to cheat on her with her own sister! Heartbroken, Kate escaped to her office late at night with four bottles of strong red wine. To her surprise, she wasn’t alone. A handsome young man stood in her office, watching her. He refused to give her his name, but offered to keep her company for the night. With lust and booze coursing through her veins, Kate readily abandoned herself to her basest, most repressed instincts, seducing the nameless but willing visitor. In her drunken stupor, she boldly declared, "If my husband wants to sleep with every woman on earth, then two can play that game." She didn’t care if they did it raw, as she always thought she was barren. Only to find herself staring at a positive pregnancy test a month later. Kate Woods, the supposedly ‘barren woman,’ was pregnant. The stranger had accomplished in one night what Matt could not in five years. - Now that Henry has given her a choice, would Kate leave her deadbeat husband and jump into the sea of uncertainty with this young man? Or would she stay with Matt, her husband who cheated on her for the sake of their families? - Official Commissioned Cover. - Contact me: Instagram: @ForeverPupa -

  • Él me robó de mi marido inútil

    Él me robó de mi marido inútil



    [Contenido maduro.] —Ese bebé es mío, y tú también —declaró, señalando la barriga de Kate mientras sus profundos ojos verdes la miraban, como una víbora lista para atacar—. Kate no podía creer que él, Henry Grant, su nuevo jefe ocho años menor que ella, fuera el padre de su hijo no nacido. —Deberíamos estar juntos por defecto. Pero te daré una opción. Ve y sufre con tu inútil marido, o ven conmigo, te mostraré la diversión que te has perdido. ===== Durante los últimos cinco años de su matrimonio, Katherine "Kate" Woods, de 32 años, siempre había creído que era infértil. No era capaz de concebir un hijo y su inútil marido Matt siempre la insultaba por eso, llamándola mujer inútil a pesar de nunca encontrar trabajo él mismo, obligando a Kate a ser el único sostén de la familia. ¡Sin embargo, aún tenía el descaro de engañarla con su propia hermana! Con el corazón roto, Kate escapó a su oficina tarde en la noche con cuatro botellas de fuerte vino tinto. Para su sorpresa, no estaba sola. Un guapo joven estaba de pie en su oficina, observándola. Se negó a darle su nombre, pero se ofreció a hacerle compañía durante la noche. Con lujuria y bebidas alcohólicas corriendo por sus venas, Kate fácilmente se abandonó a sus instintos más básicos y reprimidos, seduciendo al visitante sin nombre pero dispuesto. En su estupor ebrio, declaró audazmente: —Si mi marido quiere acostarse con todas las mujeres en la tierra, entonces dos pueden jugar ese juego. No le importaba hacerlo sin protección, ya que siempre pensó que era estéril. Solo para encontrarse mirando una prueba de embarazo positiva un mes después. Kate Woods, la supuesta 'mujer estéril', estaba embarazada. El extraño había logrado en una noche lo que Matt no pudo en cinco años. —Ahora que Henry le ha dado una opción, ¿Kate dejará a su inútil esposo y se lanzará al mar de la incertidumbre con este joven? ¿O se quedará con Matt, su esposo que la engañó por el bien de sus familias?

  • My Yandere Wives are Transcendents

    My Yandere Wives are Transcendents



    An 11-year-old boy suddenly woke up,"...wait, where am I?""...I see, so this is the so-called transmigration.""hahaha.....hellll yaaaahh.""It's my time to show the world who the boss is."But he didn't realize what he caused,"Wait, this isn't what should be... why is he here, and where's that prostitute? And why is my lover with him?""Fuck, what the hell is happening here? He shouldn't be here, and that guy should be dead, but how is he alive....urgh," he grumbled."This is MY FUCKING WORLD, why are these guys interfering...aahhhhh," he shouted.A transmigrator who thought 'doing good deeds and fighting against evil will make him a hero and ruler of this world' now made a very small mistake which leads to,"My a wonderful woman," the mob character."Why? Why? Why? Why......" the mob character rumbled."Do you....believe in god?" the mob character questioned with a messed-up expression."S-Shall we get m-marry?""..." the mob character was shocked."I don't know why but I like you, I guess.""...." the mob character was too shocked."I like you, so be my son-in-law?""...." the mob character was too-too shocked."How about marrying my daughter and me at the same time?....what do they call that hmmm...'oyakodon,' right?"'cough, cough.'"What?" the mob character was finally snapped."Big Brother, when will we get married?""........"Transmigrator never expects a certain 'Mob character' and how that 'Mob character' becomes a great disaster for the entire world because of his single mistake.A/N: This is my first time writing, so give me your honest opinion whether it is good or bad, but please don't be harsh on me... okay, I will try my best.CHOTTO MATTE....The first five chapters, The Transmigrator will be one to explain everything about this new world. I know I am not introducing the MC suddenly, and it's hard to info dump, but it's just for the first few chapters, so don't be harsh on me.If you wondered who will be MC then, MC is just a 'Mob Character.'Additional Tags: Harem, Male MC, Beautiful Female leads, Vampires, Dragons, Elves, dwarfs, Mermaids, Revenge? Deadly Yandere, Incest, Tsundere, Kuudere...Slow-paced///...Alternative Title: For HER, I am Only one...///

  • Progenitor Vampire: I Have Many Skills!

    Progenitor Vampire: I Have Many Skills!


    [WSA 2024 Entry] Matt saved humanity, but humanity betrayed him and murdered him and his wife, which led him to reincarnate in a Vampire World. He quickly realized that he had been reincarnated in a unique body that, among vampires, would make him look like a genius. In addition, he has several powerful abilities that no other vampire has. This time, he will cling to this new life to become as strong as possible to search for his wife in a world of magic and vampires. In addition, he will try to walk the path to become a True Vampire, a Vampire Progenitor! At the same time, his desire for revenge burns within him... **** Author here: I have changed the name of the novel. I am horrible with names and don't know which one to leave. It was previously called Rebirth of the Ice Assassin In A Vampire World. History will not change; it will remain the same. This is the new synopsis, which I think I improved (I think xD). Chapter Release: 2 Chapters a day.

  • Il m'a volée à mon mari minable

    Il m'a volée à mon mari minable


    [Contenu Mature.] “Ce bébé est le mien, et toi aussi,” a-t-il déclaré, pointant le ventre de Kate tandis que ses yeux verts profonds fixaient Kate, comme un viper prêt à frapper. Kate ne pouvait pas croire que lui - Henry Grant, son nouveau patron de huit ans son cadet, était le père de son enfant à naître. "Nous devrions être ensemble par défaut. Mais je te donnerai le choix. Va et souffre avec ton mari no-life, ou viens avec moi, je te montrerai tous les plaisirs que tu as manqués." ===== Pendant les cinq dernières années de son mariage, Katherine "Kate" Woods, 32 ans, avait toujours cru qu'elle était stérile. Elle ne pouvait pas concevoir d'enfant et son mari no-life Matt l'insultait toujours à cause de cela, la traitant de femme inutile alors même qu'il ne trouvait jamais de travail lui-même, forçant Kate à être le seul soutien de famille. Pourtant, il avait encore le culot de la tromper avec sa propre soeur ! Le cœur brisé, Kate s'est réfugiée dans son bureau tard dans la nuit avec quatre bouteilles de vin rouge fort. A sa surprise, elle n'était pas seule. Un beau jeune homme se tenait dans son bureau, en train de la regarder. Il a refusé de donner son nom, mais a proposé de lui tenir compagnie pour la nuit. Avec le désir et l'alcool courant dans ses veines, Kate s'est volontiers abandonnée à ses instincts les plus bas, les plus refoulés, séduisant le visiteur anonyme mais consentant. Dans son ivresse, elle a déclaré avec audace: "Si mon mari veut coucher avec toutes les femmes de la terre, alors deux peuvent jouer à ce jeu." Elle ne se souciait pas qu'ils le fassent à cru, car elle pensait toujours qu'elle était stérile. Seulement pour se retrouver à regarder un test de grossesse positif un mois plus tard. Kate Woods, la prétendument 'femme stérile', était enceinte. L'inconnu avait accompli en une nuit ce que Matt n'avait pas pu faire en cinq ans. - Maintenant que Henry lui a donné le choix, Kate va-t-elle quitter son mari no-life et se jeter dans la mer d'incertitude avec ce jeune homme ? Ou va-t-elle rester avec Matt, son mari qui l'a trompée pour le bien de leurs familles ? - Couverture Commandée Officielle. - Contactez moi : Instagram : @ForeverPupa -

  • Er stahl mich von meinem Deadbeat-Ehemann

    Er stahl mich von meinem Deadbeat-Ehemann


    [Dieses Baby gehört mir, und du auch", erklärte er und zeigte auf Kates Bauch, während seine tiefgrünen Augen Kate wie eine Viper anstarrten, die zum Angriff bereit war. Kate konnte nicht glauben, dass er - Henry Grant, ihr neuer Chef, acht Jahre jünger als sie - der Vater ihres ungeborenen Kindes war. "Wir sollten von vornherein zusammen sein. Aber ich werde dich vor die Wahl stellen. Geh und leide mit deinem Versager-Ehemann, oder komm mit mir und ich zeige dir den Spaß, den du verpasst hast." ===== In den letzten fünf Jahren ihrer Ehe hatte Katherine "Kate" Woods, 32, immer geglaubt, sie sei unfruchtbar. Sie war nicht in der Lage, ein Kind zu zeugen, und ihr unzuverlässiger Ehemann Matt beschimpfte sie immer wieder deswegen. Er nannte sie eine nutzlose Frau, obwohl er selbst nie einen Job gefunden hatte, und zwang Kate dazu, die alleinige Ernährerin der Familie zu sein. Und dann hatte er auch noch die Frechheit, sie mit ihrer eigenen Schwester zu betrügen! Mit gebrochenem Herzen flüchtete Kate spät in der Nacht mit vier Flaschen starken Rotweins in ihr Büro. Zu ihrer Überraschung war sie nicht allein. Ein gut aussehender junger Mann stand in ihrem Büro und beobachtete sie. Er weigerte sich, ihr seinen Namen zu nennen, bot ihr aber an, ihr die Nacht über Gesellschaft zu leisten. Da Lust und Alkohol durch ihre Adern flossen, gab sich Kate bereitwillig ihren niedersten, am meisten unterdrückten Instinkten hin und verführte den namenlosen, aber willigen Besucher. In ihrem Vollrausch erklärte sie kühn: "Wenn mein Mann mit jeder Frau auf der Welt schlafen will, dann können zwei dieses Spiel spielen." Es war ihr egal, ob sie es roh taten, da sie immer dachte, sie sei unfruchtbar. Nur um einen Monat später auf einen positiven Schwangerschaftstest zu starren. Kate Woods, die vermeintlich "unfruchtbare Frau", war schwanger. Der Fremde hatte in einer Nacht geschafft, was Matt in fünf Jahren nicht geschafft hatte. - Nun, da Henry sie vor die Wahl gestellt hat, würde Kate ihren Versager-Ehemann verlassen und sich mit diesem jungen Mann in das Meer der Ungewissheit stürzen? Oder würde sie bei Matt bleiben, ihrem Mann, der sie um ihrer Familien willen betrogen hat?

  • Imposter System

    Imposter System



    (Volume 1 Complete!) What's worse than waking up in an unfamiliar place in an unfamiliar time? Perhaps it's realizing that you are no longer human? Or that you must keep your identity secret or you will be eliminated? Perhaps even worse, you will be captured and studied-- or tortured. Matt O'Connely, or rather, the parasite that controls him, comes from modern day. After a night of gaming, he found himself in a world very similar to the game. But this was real, not a game!

  • Snowed In: Matt and Jens

    Snowed In: Matt and Jens

    Handsome detective Jens barely escapes with his life in the course of his work and has no choice but to land his damaged Cessna at an abandoned airport. Suffering from snow blindness and ill equipped to survive arctic conditions, he collapses at the entrance of an occupied building. Rescued and attended to by the sole occupant, Jens recovers, and is ready to unravel the mysteries surrounding his rescuer.<br><br>Maintenance worker Matt found escape from a world full of pain and rejection at the closed arctic airport. He nurses Jens back to health, eager to set him on his way again. When an unexpected blizzard forces Jens to stay, is Matt clearly uncomfortable at the development. Strongly attracted to Jens, however, Matt slowly opens up and reveals his painful secrets, all except the most dangerous one ... a secret that threatens to destroy their fragile relationship.<br><br>With Jens’ assistance, will Matt be able to finally overcome the pain that drove him to his separation from society, resulting in a lonely existence? How will Matt’s dark secret influence their lives? Will it destroy Jens’s career, or will it draw them closer together?

  • My brother’s bestfriend

    My brother’s bestfriend



    Tiffany spends the summer with her brother anthony and slowly falls for his bestfriend/roommate matt.

  • Stroke of Love

    Stroke of Love



    He is the third young master of a powerful family. An artistic and financial genius. But he is not the heir or the spare and thus free to live his own life fully. Not lacking in wealth or talent, Matt Long has everything. Until one day fate takes away something he treasures the most.. thus changing his life.. thus changing him...He will not let the person responsible go unpunished... Xue Qian is a photographer who has had the golden opportunity to work for two of the most handsome and rich men's wedding at the beginning of her career.. From then on it has only soared to new heights as she explored different avenues... But then everything is taken away from her and all she wants is revenge.. and take care of her little sister... Qian Qian and Matt are both walking their own paths, facing their own hurdles.. What happens when these two meet? Will they fall in love or will swords clash?




    "This novel, a collection of short stories, draws inspiration from my imagination and life experiences.Disclaimer: The characters and events portrayed in the preceding narrative are entirely fictional and products of the creative imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or real-life events is purely coincidental. The narrative is a work of fiction intended for entertainment purposes only. No connection to any existing individuals, historical figures, or factual occurrences is intended. Any similarities are incidental and do not reflect the intentions of the author.

  • Matt and Riley

    Matt and Riley

  • Ele Roubou-me do Meu Marido Preguiçoso

    Ele Roubou-me do Meu Marido Preguiçoso


    [Conteúdo Maduro.] “Esse bebê é meu, e você também,” Ele declarou, apontando para a barriga de Kate enquanto seus profundos olhos verdes olhavam para Kate, como uma víbora pronta para atacar. Kate não podia acreditar que ele - Henry Grant, seu novo chefe oito anos mais novo que ela, fosse o pai de seu filho ainda não nascido. “Deveríamos estar juntos por padrão. Mas vou te dar uma escolha. Vá e sofra com seu marido inútil, ou venha comigo, vou te mostrar a diversão que você perdeu.” ===== Nos últimos cinco anos de seu casamento, Katherine “Kate” Woods, 32, sempre acreditou que era infértil. Ela não conseguia conceber um filho e seu marido inútil, Matt, sempre a insultava por isso, chamando-a de mulher inútil, apesar de nunca encontrar trabalho, forçando Kate a ser a única responsável pelo sustento da família. No entanto, ele ainda teve a audácia de traí-la com sua própria irmã! Com o coração partido, Kate fugiu ao seu escritório tarde da noite com quatro garrafas de vinho tinto forte. Para sua surpresa, ela não estava sozinha. Um jovem bonito estava em seu escritório, olhando para ela. Ele se recusou a dar seu nome, mas se ofereceu para lhe fazer companhia naquela noite. Com luxúria e álcool correndo pelas suas veias, Kate abandonou-se prontamente aos seus instintos mais básicos e reprimidos, seduzindo o visitante sem nome, mas disposto. Em sua embriaguez, ela declarou ousadamente: "Se meu marido quer dormir com todas as mulheres da terra, então dois podem jogar esse jogo." Ela não se importava se eles fizessem isso cru, já que ela sempre pensou que era estéril. Só para se encontrar olhando para um teste de gravidez positivo um mês depois. Kate Woods, a suposta 'mulher estéril', estava grávida. O estranho conseguiu em uma única noite o que Matt não conseguiu em cinco anos. - Agora que Henry lhe deu uma escolha, Kate deixaria seu marido inútil e mergulharia no mar da incerteza com este jovem? Ou ficaria com Matt, seu marido que a traiu em prol das suas famílias? - Capa Oficial Encomendada. - Entre em contato comigo: Instagram: @ForeverPupa -

  • my life
by Matt

    my life by Matt

  • The Matte

    The Matte

  • Matt cops of class 2

    Matt cops of class 2

  • The Revolution: The Story of Matt and Melanie

    The Revolution: The Story of Matt and Melanie

    Melanie Santiago, a young beautiful woman from New York, the daughter of a rebel leader. Matt Sullivan, a Navy Seal commander, son of Katherine Sullivan leader of the Republic. Matt and Melanie are going in different directions, one is trying to changes the ways of the Republic, the other is trying to get away from the Republic, both are caught in between the Republic, the new rebels, and the old rebels. Matt is in charge of bring Melanie to the Republic. Melanie wants to find the truth about the war. When Matt meets Melanie he is trying to convince her that he is not working for the Republic. When Melanie meets Matt she is scared and does not trust him. Matt wants to protect Melanie. When Melanie finds out the truth will she be able to forgive him or will his past come between them and her mission to end the Republic. Katherine Sullivan leader of the Republic is hiding secrets she does not want to revealed. When citizens of the Republic being to suspect that Katherine Sullivan is not who she says she is they begin to disappear. A rebellion is brewing within the mighty Republic. can Katherine Sullivan quell the rebellion and keep her secretor will her very own people with the help of the rebels bring her to justice. During their time together Matt and Melanie fall in love. Will their love be able to conquer the Republic and put an end to Katherine Sullivan?

  • Crowns Matt Black Electromagnetism 369

    Crowns Matt Black Electromagnetism 369

  • Three Billionaire Alphas for the Luna Princess

    Three Billionaire Alphas for the Luna Princess

    “I’ve heard that they like to share,” my friend whispered with a giggle. “Share what?” I asked at normal volume. “Are you messing with me?” she asked with a frown. “Because I don’t know how else to say it.” “They share… blank?” “Oh my god, Kenna,” she said softly. She was blushing. “They share women,” she whispered. I pictured Reid and Jack in an intimate situation with the same woman and heat flooded through me. * I was nearly 21 when my father finally let me go to the regional pack festival my Alpha King uncle hosted. Excited by the endless days of partying and fun, I didn’t expect to meet Reid, Matt, and Jack—all Alphas, all billionaires, and all three my mates. As if trying to navigate my emerging powers, growing relationships, and the confusion of the mate pull wasn’t enough; there was another Alpha pursuing me, and this one wouldn’t take no for an answer. Three Billionaire Alphas for the Luna Princess is created by Caricia Dulse, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

  • I'm the villain, so what

    I'm the villain, so what

    Matt was a famous streamer and his viewers knew he is a person who hates bacteria the most and alway carries a sanitizer with him.He would never have expected that he will transmigrate inside an online game as the villain. He wasn't hit by a truck, he didn't meet a shady woman in an alley, he didn't die but he was summoned; with the lights off in the bathroom with only lit candles and eerie silence he chanted 'burning desire' three times and the mirror engulfed his whole being.from matt williams to sejin varlette// illustration belongs to @nempopo (tonoshi)
