Season 1 Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 917 results

  • The Roommate 1

    The Roommate 1



    Arissa berpikir kalau ia baru saja membuat sebuah kesalahan besar dengan menandatangani kontrak tinggal setahun dengan seorang maniak seks. Teman satu kontrakannya, Cristan dengan santainya selalu membawa wanita yang berbeda setiap malam untuk menjadi penghangat tempat tidurnya dan Arissa harus menahan derita untuk selalu menyumbat telinganya yang memerah akibat desahan dan erangan erotis yang harus ia dengar setiap malam. Masalahnya, ia baru saja pindah dan mendapat pekerjaan jadi ia tidak mungkin untuk langsung mencari tempat tinggal baru kan? Belum lagi, ia juga harus membantu mengirim uang bulanan ke panti asuhan dan anak tunggalnya. Hhh... Walaupun si maniak seks itu berwajah sangat menarik dengan tubuh yang luar biasa sempurna, Arissa harus bertahan untuk menuntaskan kontrak tempat tinggal sementaranya dan segera pindah secepat mungkin...

  • Seasons Of Colors

    Seasons Of Colors



    "Even when seasons change, our love still stays the same" Liechael never smiled again after Alaena died. His eyes turned cold and lifeless. He kept himself away from his family and friends. It was his greatest downfall. He drowned himself to anxiety and sadness, until he jumped from the bridge on a rainy night. *** Liechael woke up in an unfamiliar room. He was dazed as he faced the mirror. His facial features changed, and from 24 years old, he's now a teenage boy who’s 16 years old. Along with this new time, unfolds the different stories of the youths connected to him. How are these seasons of colors related to them? cover not mine DON'T FORGET TO ADD THIS TO YOUR COLLECTION!!

  • The Cold Season

    The Cold Season


    Untuk sebagian besar hidupnya, Xiao You Ren merasakan ketidakberuntungan yang teramat besar. Setiap luka baru akan muncul di sisa-sisa malamnya. Luka yang membuatnya mengerang sakit akibat rasa ngilu yang menyentuh hatinya. Dia selalu menggigil di setiap malam yang dingin, mengharapkan sebuah tangan melingkar di tubuhnya. Pada setiap orang dia menjeritkan pertolongan. Memohon untuk obat yang dapat menghilangkan rasa sakitnya di musim dingin. Akan tetapi, tidak ada satu orang pun yang mampu memberikan hal itu padanya. Hingga dia terlibat sebuah hubungan dengan seorang laki-laki yang menawarkan obat. Alih-alih mendapatkan penawar bagi lukanya, dia justru menerima racun. Yang membuatnya menjadi kebal terhadap rasa sakit, bahkan meminta untuk mendatangkan perasaan itu terus-menerus. Xiao You Ren kian menggila sesaat setelah laki-laki itu menyuntikkannya sedikit rasa ‘diinginkan’. Seumur-umur Xiao You Ren tidak pernah merasakan hal menggelitik permukaan hatinya, hingga membuatnya menjadi sangat egois.

  • Calista Season 1

    Calista Season 1

    Menjadi istri Revan Anggara itu tidak sulit. Yang sulit adalah ketika aku mulai jatuh hati padanya, tapi ternyata dia sudah menyimpan satu nama di hatinya sejak lama. Hanya satu nama. Dan itu bukan aku.

  • ELYANA SEASON 2 : Air Mata Pernikahan

    ELYANA SEASON 2 : Air Mata Pernikahan


    Menjalani kehidupan pernikahan bersama seorang madu bukanlah hal yang mudah. Aku, akan menganggapnya mudah tunggu sebelum Habib akhirnya jatuh cinta pada Farida. Cinta yang tak diinginkan itu datang, memporak-porandakan kehidupan rumah tangga kami beserta perjanjian yang sudah tertulis sebelumnya. Ingat betapa manisnya ucapan Habib ketika berjanji akan menjaga cintanya untuk satu wanita? Bahkan surat perjanjian pernikahan antara Habib dan Farida juga sudah di tanda tangani. Tapi semuanya berubah saat cinta di antara mereka datang. Aku semakin tersisih, hingga Umar datang kembali ke kehidupanku dan membuat kebimbangan pada diri ini. Sejak dulu, Umar selalu menyimpan cintanya untukku. Dia pergi membawa cinta, dan kembali dengan penuh cinta. “Pernikahanku hancur, mas Habib mencintai Farida tanpa sengaja. Apa yang harus kulakukan?” tanyaku pada Umar. “Akhiri saja pernikahanmu dan kembali bersamaku. Kamu tahu, El? Ini adalah sebuah pertanda jika kita memang berjodoh.” Aku terdiam, menahan air mata di pelupuk mata. Pernikahanku tidak lagi di penuhi kebahagiaan, melainkan air mata pernikahan.

  • A Girls Dream season 1

    A Girls Dream season 1



    DESKRIPSI Novel ini menceritakan tentang seorang gadis yang memiliki mimpi besar, tetapi terhambat karena ketidakpercayaan dirinya untuk menggapai mimpinya.tetapi itu tidak mengurungkan niatnya untuk bermimpi. Gadis itu terus berlatih sendiri dan berjuang sendiri tanpa ada yang membantunya, hingga suatu hari dia bertemu seorang teman yang mau mengajarinya menari dan memberinya semangat untuk mencapai mimpinya,walaupun mereka berbeda umur tetapi mereka bisa saling mengerti satu sama lain,akhirnya mereka tinggal bersama setelah menjadi satu group dan melakukan semua kegiatan bersama selama bertahun-tahun. PERKENALAN TOKOH Untuk cerita kali ini, aku memilih sowon G-friend untuk menjadi inspirasi pada cerita ini sebagai soo min. Pemeran utama dalam cerita.

  • Everyone Gets an Island: My Islands Are Invincible

    Everyone Gets an Island: My Islands Are Invincible


    In a different universe, everyone who reaches adulthood will be sent to a world that is surrounded by the ocean and become the owner of a small island! As long as one can protect your island, you will be able to reap endless benefits. Immense strength! Longevity! Wealth! Status! Peter activates a God Level Island System, getting many noob benefits right from the start and overtaking everyone else's starting point. There's no stopping him now! He just plants a tree sapling and it grows into a dense forest overnight, bearing magical fruits! He just rears a few fish and they transform into beautiful and extremely loyal mermaids! Wait a did those whales become even larger than everyone else's islands?

  • Supernatural (pancasona season 3)

    Supernatural (pancasona season 3)

    Novel ini adalah seri ketiga. Menceritakan tentang pemuda yatim piatu bernama Abimanyu Maheswara, yang memiliki sebuah ilmu yang diwariskan secara turun temurun oleh Ayahnya, Arya. Yang bernama Pancasona. Adalah suatu kemampuan yang membuatnya kebal terhadap senjata tajam. Dia tidak bisa mati kecuali kepalanya di penggal dan dikuburkan secara tarpisah dengan cara tidak menyentuh tanah. Abimanyu adalah makhluk abadi yang telah ditakdirkan Tuhan untuk menjadi penyelamat umat manusia dari kekejaman makhluk mengerikan di sekitar. Abimanyu dan kawan kawannya, terus menghadapi teror dari makhluk aneh dan mengerikan. Dimulai dari Ras bernama Kalla yang membunuh manusia dengan menghirup jiwa, lalu bersahabat dengan werewolf. Menghadapi makhluk penghisap darah, bahkan bertemu dengan Nephilim serta malaikat dan iblis yang turun ke bumi. Sebuah kisah panjang tentang perjalanan hidup Abimanyu Maheswara, dibumbui dengan kisah cinta klasik dengan seorang gadis yang tidak biasa. Apakah dia akan bertahan dari semua serangan makhluk tersebut, dan hidup bahagia?

  • Predation (Season 1)

    Predation (Season 1)


    "Our world ended at exactly year 2090, marking the year of Predation. Humanity was nearly wiped out by flesh-eating monsters — mutations of mankind's desire to cure cancer. Only the strongest survive. In this new world, there are only predators, survivors and kill hunters."— Year 3310 Eira Ulva and Lars Verhelst's lives were entwined ever since destiny robbed them of their family. Captured by the government, they were forced to serve as kill hunters and entered a cruel world of brutality — kill or be killed. Separated as quickly as they met, they reunite years later when Eira is assigned to Lars's unit and she's determined to know the boy who saved her life and bonded with. As Eira adapts to her new life in Ataxia, she will endure hardships, make new friends, face old fears and uncover sinister enemies who would destroy humanity for good.[warning: R-18 content, explicit and gore scenes]Disclaimer : This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of names, characters, places and incidents is purely coincidental.Daily Updates (Mon-Fri)!======Excerpt :"Nothing will ever make me leave you again. I had my choice stolen from me but not this time. This time, I choose to stay with you." Her lips curved slowly, alerting him of her impending mischief. "And it's not true. Yes, we grew up but, the foundation of who we are remains the same." She placed a hand on his hard, warm chest, feeling the strong beating of his heart. "I find it much more interesting to peel back the new layers you've developed. But I know you're still reliable, still as strong."Her frame leaned into his — softness against hardness. "Those butterflies I used to get when I see you, I know what they mean now. I'm very attracted to you, Lars. Back then and now." Her breath ghosted his lips. "Your racing heart tells me that you feel the same. Am I wrong?"Lars couldn't pin this seductress as the wild savage girl. He was only a man. And Eira was womanly in every way. With a low growl, he grabbed onto her bare curves. The woman needed to put on more clothes. "You're playing with fire, Eira. I don't want a relationship. It's troublesome and I don't want to relive the pain of losing a loved one again."She expected as much resistance from him, knowing he wasn't easy prey. The hunter in her thrilled at that strength, even if it vexed her. A swift, frantic throbbing awakened in her, a feeling she never experienced before. Her fingers trailed the prominent scar bisecting his left eye — a memento he received from saving her life. "That's fine with me. I'm willing to have you" — her lips brushed his— "any—way—I—can." For now, she mentally added.Their lips met and a breathy sigh escaped from her lungs into his. It was a searching kiss, tenderly persuasive and erotic. This was the kiss she had dreamt of — been waiting for. Eira's arms wrapped around his shoulders as he sucked harder, a light flick of his tongue begging for entrance. Opening her mouth, Lars tasted her hot femininity — sweet and wild. A moan hummed in the back of her throat as their tongues tangled, the mild friction adding a delicious rush through her veins.=============Author's Note:Thank you for your support! I hope you enjoy this ORIGINAL novel of mine. Everybody loves smut but this time round, Predation's going to be a little more serious but, don't worry guys I got you covered on the hot stuff. Please share the love, share my stories to friends who will enjoy it! I've been wanting to write for years, and finally got the courage to publish one. Knowing you read it, means a lot to me, as an author.Buy me a Coffee : Original Novels :1. The CEO and His Mistress2. The Savage and Her Emperor3. Predation (Season 1)4. Predation (Season 2) 5. Killing Me Softly, DemonI'm also an illustrator by day, so you can come find me :Official Instagram: _nessawrites_Work Instagram : nessawveraFacebook : @nessawvera

  • Battle through the heavens season 5 (BTTH)

    Battle through the heavens season 5 (BTTH)

    perjalanan xiao yan setelah meninggalkan Kekaisaran Jia ma

  • Time season 1

    Time season 1


    this is a story about a girl who if you like you can put it in your perspective this is about a girl who had killed herself in the past but that is sent back to to restart her life but something's off not everything is the same so join her on this adventure as she passes through life again trying to change what happened or what was going on is different people a new place alone you and her will try do your best I will be making polls to see what will happened what you want to do in the story and what you want to do to change that

  • The Dark One: Season 1.

    The Dark One: Season 1.


    A young girl was sent into exile by the people of her land, for they believed she was cursed with powerful dark magic. And for many years, she had run and never looked back, until she became nothing but a legend. Her life's journey takes a drastic turn one sudden day, when a particular couple found her, and plead for her help in stopping a ruthless ruler. Now, her life is about to change when the fate of humanity is resting on her shoulders. With the intervention of two particular humans in desperate need of her help, how much more would cower under her dark magic for protection?|New Chapters Are Updated On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays|

  • The Walking Dead: Alone (Season 1)

    The Walking Dead: Alone (Season 1)

    The story of "Dex" a man with a traumatic experience when the outbreak begins in LA who even 9 and a half years later finds himself haunted by the past, everything changes when he finds a woman named Sarah who had come from a community recently wiped out by a big, ruthless group called the Raiders, when Dex becomes a target with her, he tags along as they embark on a journey to find Sarah's lost brother but that all changes when they meet a community and find out her brother's whereabouts, they are roped into the conflict full time against the raiders.

  • Raymond Mark: Season 1

    Raymond Mark: Season 1

    When a 17-year-old boy, Raymond Mark, realizes about his past, he takes some action driven by his hurt emotions but he ends up regretting everything. Things change when life offers him a clean slate to write on with a new life. He was found on a parallel Earth where people had Elemental Powers. Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, and Lightning were usable by these people. Many also had powers different from these Elements. The problem Raymond faces here is that Humans are hated by almost every Elemental being. He made some friends and now must get stronger to protect them from evil.

  • Tayi’s life season 1

    Tayi’s life season 1

    Tayi is a popular girl, but in secret she is shy and can’t stand boys, but one day she gets sucked into a world, where a bunch of guys fall for her real personality and they have powers

  • Savior Season 1

    Savior Season 1


  • Antagonist: Season 1

    Antagonist: Season 1


    (After sipping shampane from her glass Miss Bertelli Asked ,the black suited guy, Mr. Agusti) "Tell me, Mr. Agusti, what an 'Antagonist' is in your eyes?" (Enjoying the appealing moonlit from the balcony, he answered in a nonchalant voice) "Well, if you've ask me the wordly meaning ,then, a 'nemesis'. A 'villain'. An unwanted 'competitor' ,but, if go deep down in it's meaning ,then, perhaps...." "Perhaps a true protagonist of their own stories." (Cutting in his words she interfered) (Not liking the habit of cutting his word in middle he turn to glance at her for the first time) "That was interesting word game on your part, Miss Bertelli." "Not 'Miss Bertelli'. You can call me Sancia." "Do you always offer to call your first name like this to anyone, Miss Sancia." (He said sarcastically) "Not to anyone, only you. I've a feeling you'll need it a lot in near future. So, It's better that you start practicing early." (she commented confidently) (After a long pause to notice the woman infront of him thoroughly he replied) "Right, now, I also got that feeling. See you, then." "Sure, see you soon" (Seeing his back getting further and further away. Eventually, she turned to look at the same moonlit scenery he was enjoying earlier and drowned in her own melancholy. ) (Suddenly noticing you .....that's right you!!) Sancia: Hi, readers!! Are you ready to get lost in nothingness?? Do you dare to cross the boundary of consciousness just to get bounded by them more strongly than before?? If you do, then just join me on my journey!!! And let's get started!!!

  • Secretary; Season 1.

    Secretary; Season 1.

  • MEET ME Season 1

    MEET ME Season 1


  • Destined to be with him ~ season 1

    Destined to be with him ~ season 1

    A carrier oriented girl pursuing her graduation in medical school is forced to a marriage due to a life changing accident to none other than her professor; making an age difference of 8 yrs. She brought rays of hope in his life, he gave her courage to chase her dreams. Aiding eachother they fall in love, everything became smooth until a card from his past flips.What will happen when she will come across past life of her husband after falling for him.Follow me on Instagram ink_in_syringe
