Yuna Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 148 results

  • yuna


  • Yuna


  • How I Became Immortal

    How I Became Immortal

    Yuna's life was an unfortunate one. Her lover(Minho) and her cousin(Haemi) betrayed her and that resulted in her execution. The last words she uttered was that she was going to seek revenge if she ever got another chance! God as the witness, felt bad for poor Yuna and so he gives her the ability to remember everything in all of her lifetimes. She was planning on seeking revenge but unfortunately her plans didn't come to fruition. She was reincarnated into the modern era. During her 2nd lifetime, she becomes a successful engineer and moves on from her past lifetime. Unluckily for her, during her 3rd lifetime she gets reincarnated back to the past. Her plans change once again. She doesn't love Minho nor does she care about being empress. She decides on a new life without all of the chaos and scheming in the palace. Join Yuna on her journey to seeking a peaceful and successful life in the ancient period.

  • Rise of the White Tiger Priestess

    Rise of the White Tiger Priestess



    "I seek the strength, beauty, and spiritual power of the white tiger to be released in myself."Song Yuna is an idol trainee in one of the biggest entertainment companies in South Korea. With only 100 days left before her debut, she accompanied her best friend to the national library to study. Yuna discovered an interesting painting that came from the Joseon era, 'Tiger under a Bamboo Tree', she transmigrated inside the painting and found herself trapped in the year 918.In order to go back to her world, she became the appointed priestess and was tasked to find the six celestial knights who will summon the White Tiger of the East with her to unify the three kingdoms of Goryeo, Baekje and Silla!Obviously, she has to keep herself pure and virgin as the vessel of the celestial being, but she found herself falling in love with one of her celestial knights!Will she be able to finish her mission or will she be trapped in the world created by the unknown?+++This is my first entry for Webnovel's Spirity 2021! Hope you guys can support me! Thanks!The cover is not mine but edited by me. Call me to your attention if it's yours and you want me to take it down.Ps. FL is still young but scheming. She is a little bit stubborn,, rational, logical and a fashionista at heart.

  • Istri Sambung

    Istri Sambung

    Yuna Putri Bagaskara anak yang sangat manja dan baru saja masuk universitas pariwisata, karna hobinya yang selalu ingin travelling, ia juga ingin merasakan masa muda dengan indah.Tetapi ia sudah memiliki calon suami bernama Jimi, mereka berencana akan menikah dalam waktu dekat. Namun suatu hari ia harus berpisah dengan Jimi karena Tuan Bagaskara dan Nyonya Bagaskara sudah memiliki pilihan untuk Yuna."Jika harus menggantikannya aku rela," ucap Yuna dengan wajah datar.Yunki Pratama seorang CEO Pratama Company yang memiliki sikap dingin dengan semua orang kecuali dengan istrinya, ia menikah dengan cinta pertamanya yaitu Yura Putri Bagaskara. Tapi suatu hari kecelakaan yang tidak terduga terjadi dan membuat keduanya harus berpisah."Sampai kapanpun aku akan selalu mencintaimu Yura," ucap Yunki dengan mata berbinar-binar.Akankah hubungan Yuna dan Yunki berjalan sesuai keinginan terakhirnya Yura?

  • The Secret Agent That Married The Demon Lord

    The Secret Agent That Married The Demon Lord



    **Due to extreme family difficulties the book is on hold for now, hope to resume in April or before.**This story is a tale of how an office worker, at an intelligence agency, got summoned into another world and married the demon lord. Yuna is a strong willed, independent woman, who has worked hard to get where she is. Yet she couldn't make it out onto the field, where the real action took place, and became a handler to the world's top agents. Because of this she found other ways to find happiness in the world. She is a comic junkie and an avid gamer. One day, as she is leaving her job, she encounters her fellow agent in trouble. In freeing him from his dilemma she is inadvertently teleported to another world. She is annoyed that such a thing happened to her. However she presses on and through a series of misadventures ends up married to the demon lord she was summoned to stop. What will her fate ultimately end up being? Will she somehow break her bound of marriage and regain her freedom? Will she embrace her new role and burn the world? Or will some other fate fall upon her? This book is a comedy romance. The romance starts off extremely slow, Yuna meets the demon lord in chapter 21. I hope you will give it a read and that it will give you some laughs. Please consider donating your powerstones to this book. Powerstones are the best way for this book to be found by other people. So if this book brings a smile to your face, please share it by donating your stones. Also consider adding this book to your collection as I do daily updates. Thank you! Please enjoy the book!My personal discord

  • Jiwoo's Little Sisters

    Jiwoo's Little Sisters


    As you can already tell two girls got hit by a truck and reincarnated into their favorite manhwa Eleceed with the proclaim strongest jujutsu sorcerer abilities. Watch as she Yuna and Chelsea Seo grow stronger to support their big innocent older brother and become known as the strongest. ... - First fanfic - Twins that are Fem version of Gojo Satoru - Twin connection - Limitless and sixth eyes without side effects - Time control - Strongest Eleceed and it's characters are not mine! Credit to it's rightful owner!

  • Yuna Nate

    Yuna Nate


    The story revolves around Yuna Nate, a young hanyou and supernatural assassin, who spends her life facing all kinds of mystical creatures, from the smallest youkais to the greatest deities.----------THIS IS AN OFFICIAL LICENSED TRANSLATION.Copyright 2018 Lord. All rights reserved. / Illustration: KraitzFirst published in Portuguese, Brazil.

  • Princess Yuna

    Princess Yuna

    Seandainya aku bisa memilih takdirku aku tak ingin hal seperti ini menimpaku. Penyesalan selalu datang belakangan. Nenek telah melakukan perjanjian pernikahan antara aku dan cucu calon suaminya bertahun silam. Saat itu ia berjanji akan menikahkan anaknya dengan anak adik calon kakekku saat ia sekarat dalam pangkuannya diantara hujan peluru dan gerimis yang berduka atas pembantaian manusia saat itu. Sayangnya setelah berpuluh tahun berlalu dalam kedua keluarga tak terlahir sepasang manusia. Saat itu kedua keluarga selalu melahirkan anak anak yang berjenis kelamin sama. Era saat ini terlahir sepasang manusia dari dua keluarga dan penantian nenek buyutku itu terbayarkan. Ia menetapkan pertunangan antara aku dan Ahi Sasongko sejak aku berusia lima tahun. Ahi seorang pemuda yang tak pernah kulihat itu seingatku adalah pemuda yang cemerlang dan memiliki kekayaan yang fantastis. Namun sayangnya ia seolah alergi terhadap pemberitaan, namanya sering muncul di media masa namun wajahnya selalu disamarkan. Kehidupanku sejak pertunangan itu menjadi terkekang, aturan ketat diberlakukan bagiku, bagaimana aku bersikap, cara pertemanan, dan yang paling menyebalkan adalah aku tak boleh akrab dengan laki laki. Ingatan itu melayang layang di pikiranku, saat kematian itu menjelang rasa sakit tak lagi menggangguku. Tubuhku menjadi kaku, tubuh yang dikaruniai Allah ini banjir darah karena luka tusukan pisau yang bertubi tubi. Aku tak mengira bila perilakuku yang menolak semua aturan yang telah kutaati sejak kecil akan berakhir dengan tutupnya usia diusia delapan belas tahun. Astagfirullah!!! setan seperti apa yang telah merasuki tubuh sahabat akrabku??? teganya ia menjebakku!. Hanya karena cintanya tak terbalaskan....ambisinya untuk menjadi nyonya Ahi Sasongko ia telah bertahun lamanya mengincarku. Sarwenda, betapa memalukannya dirimu! Seandainya Allah memberkatiku dengan kehidupan kedua aku akan berusaha yang terbaik bagi hidupku. Aku akan menjalani hidup yang diberikan Allah secara bermanfaat. Ya, Robb ku yang Maha Agung, Terkuasa diatas segala kuasa berikanlah restuMu agar aku bisa membenahi kehidupan yang kau berikan. Aku benar benar menyesal Ya Allah. Saat Yuna menyesali akhir hidupnya selarik cahaya menerpanya dan ia merasa tubuhnya menggigil, rasa sakit yang hebat mengiringi suhu dingin,Baa sebuah suara memanggil namanya. "Yuna...! Yuna ... putri Yuna... bangunlah nak". Seorang gadis tergeletak di atas batu hitam dipinggiran sungai. Tubuhnya membiru, ada beberapa luka tusukan belati ditubuhnya. Seorang lelaki duduk bersila disampingnya. Yuna adalah namaku Putri Yuna Nevada, nama pemberian nenek buyut yang begitu bahagia telah mendapat seorang pewaris perempuan yang berbeda jenis kelamin dengan cucu calon adik iparnya bertahun silam. Ia berkata kelahiranku akan menjadi jalannya untuk segera menghadap Yang Kuasa karena hutang janjinya dapat terbayarkan. Aku kadang diolok oleh kawan kawan dengan panggilan Princess Yuna. Menurutku panggilan itu tidak melecehkan jadi kuterima saja mereka memanggilku Princess Yuna. "What is in a name" kalimat itu cukup memotivasi ku untuk tidak tersinggung. " Buka matamu Yuna...kau harus bangun jangan kau turuti keinginan untuk tidur atau sia sia usahaku menolongku, mengangkat tubuhmu yang berat dari arus sungai yang deras dimalam dingin dan pekat seperti ini" suara itu terdengar kembali, Yuna mencoba membuka matanya, kalau ia ingin memperbaiki hidupnya ia harus hidup. Ia membuka matanya perlahan. Seorang lelaki berusia setengah abad menyambutnya dengan senyuman. "Akhirnya ' putri' tercinta ini bangun juga" ia mengelus jenggotnya yang mulai memutih."Dimana aku?" Yuna memandang sekitarnya, ada hamparan batu hitam, suara riak air dan hembusan angin serta seorang lelaki berpakaian hitam dengan jenggot kelabu. Cahaya bulan menyinari tempat ia berada. " Katakan bapak apakah....aku sudah mati?' tanyanya ragu. Lelaki itu tersenyum." Ya, kamu sekarang ada di neraka dan aku malaikat yang akan menghukummu ....."

  • I'M YUNA

    I'M YUNA


    Yuna harus dikeluarkan dari sekolahnya akibat tuduhan dan fitnahan orang-orang sekitar padanya dengan isu dan gosip yang beredar luas, gadis yang masih berusia 17 tahun itu terpaksa meninggalkan sekolah karena harus menanggung suatu kesalahan yang sama sekali tak pernah ia perbuat. Gadis itu dituduh dan difitnah telah berhubungan intim dengan teman satu kelasnya bernama Gio, yang di mana Gio merupakan pacar dari Erika si ketua genk Archipelago sekaligus ketua band musik di sekolahnya. Banyak sekali perlakuan-perlakuan kasar yang diberikan oleh genk Archipelago kepada Yuna. Erika yang merupakan seorang ketua band slalu menindas dan menjatuhkan Yuna seakan Yuna benar-benar buruk di mata semua orang, fitnahan selalu terlontarkan dari banyak orang untuk Yuna. Pernah suatu ketika, Yuna dikejar wartawan saking semaraknya berita itu dan sudah menjadi perbincangan panas di sosial media yang membuat Yuna semakin tertekan dengan situasi tersebut. Namun, akankah Yuna bisa bertahan? Dan ke mana dia bisa pergi setelah ia dikeluarkan dari sekolahnya? Bagaimana tanggapan keluarga Yuna tentang hal itu?

  • Imprisoned by My Mafia Lover

    Imprisoned by My Mafia Lover

    As the daughter of a mistress, Yuna did not live like a human even though she had the surname "Burgert". She was like a dog raised by her half-brothers who used her as a punching bag when they were in a bad mood. Beating and cursing were the most common means of bullying, and her half-brothers left many scars on her. On more than one occasion, Yuna had thought of death, but she never had the courage to kill herself until that day! Fire and gunshots broke out at the annual gathering of the Burgert family. Yuna, who had been beaten half to death, saw the man who held a gun like Satan. “Come on, I’m ready. Hurry up, sir,” Yuna said with a smile as she faced death. As the Mafia King, Andrew was undoubtedly the strongest! Advanced weapons, drugs, cigarettes, wine, and countless beautiful women were all toys in Andrew's hands. They were within his reach as the uncrowned king of the night. However, despite his arrogance he still had something that he could not obtain… When he learned that tonight was the annual family gathering of the Burgert family, Andrew ordered in a casual manner, "Tonight's hunt shall start from the Burgert family." "It's a warning to those stubborn old fogeys. It's the time for the young guns to rule. They should know their place now that they're old and irrelevant." Burgert was only a stumbling block in his path, but he had never imagined that he would actually see the girl whom he had been thinking about for five years lying in a pool of blood in the corner of the hall. "Glen, you have five minutes to get an ambulance here!" Andrew's panicked voice along with his sincere prayer in the emergency room made Glen realize that the arrogant King was just an ordinary person… When the indestructible King of Darkness had his weakness, who would be the winner of this war?

  • Yuna and the Demons

    Yuna and the Demons

  • That Girl Named Yuna

    That Girl Named Yuna


    What if you grew up as an assassin? But you have to follow strict rules such us no relationship, in exchange for immortality. However, you got struck by a normal, yet beautiful girl. What would you do?Ryu Akimoto, grew up as a hoarder who got struck by the beauty of a single woman, Yuna Arakaki. He hid his identity to her expecting that she might leave him once she knew his secret. This story follows the Fantasy Keychain series and features about the 'Hoarders of the Dark' and how he started rebelling against them.

  • Yuri Yuna me

    Yuri Yuna me

  • The Leader :
Yuna is Strong Girl

    The Leader : Yuna is Strong Girl

  • (In)Sanity



    *(R-18)!!! Yuna Akari, Sejak kecil sudah sendiri. Dia selalu sendiri dan tidak pernah ada seorang pun yang ingin bersamanya. Dia selalu di nilai aneh dan sangat Misterius dengan perban yang membalut beberapa bagian tubuhnya. Dia di jauhi, Tidak dicintai, dan tidak di pedulikan. Kedua Orang tuanya mencampakkannya. Orang-orang menjauhinya. Membuatnya selalu..Menyendiri. Yuna Akari memiliki masalah Mental yang sudah ada di dalam dirinya semenjak kecil, Yaitu merasakan rasa bosan yang amat cepat. JikaYuna tidak melaksanakan Hobinya setiap waktu yang sudah ia tentukan, Maka Yuna akan..Menjadi…GILA! Dan jika ada yang berani untuk menyakitinya, Yuna juga akan menjadi…GILA! Dari kecil ia sudah memiliki hati yang Kosong, Hampa, yang tidak dapat di isi oleh siapa pun. Lalu, Dia bertemu dengan seorang Malaikat. Seseorang yang dapat mengisi hatinya yang kosong dan hampa. Seseorang yang dapat menenangkan dirinya dari masalah Mentalnya. Tapi jalan untuk mendapatkannya tidak lah mudah. Selalu saja ada seseorang yang ikut campur dengan Malaikatnya. Selalu saja ada orang yang mendekati Malaikatnya. Selalu saja ada orang yang menghalangi jalannya untuk mendapatkan Malaikatnya. Dan orang-orang itu membuat Yuna Akari iritasi. Yuna akan melakukan berbagai macam cara untuk mendapatkan Malaikatnya. Yuna akan melakukan berbagai macam cara untuk menghentikan orang-orang yang mencoba untuk mendekati Malaikatnya. Itupun jika dia harus.. MENYAKITI MEREKA SEMUA! Itupun jika Yuna harus… MEMBUNUH MEREKA SEMUA! ..Mereka tidak punya pilihan lain. ..Malaikatnya Harus menjadi miliknya. ..Menjadi milik Yuna Akari.

  • Best friend - Jisung x Yuna

    Best friend - Jisung x Yuna

  • kill me heal me yuna

    kill me heal me yuna

  • As an Ordinary person (Why do I keep attracting Psychopaths?)

    As an Ordinary person (Why do I keep attracting Psychopaths?)


    As an ordinary person who found herself in another world, Yuna a fanatic reader decided that she is too ordinary and lazy to achieve something big and want to live a lesisure and easy live, following the masses and blend in on the new world she found herself in. However, Yuna who thought herself to be quite ordinary tends to accidently create extraordinary things. •Influencing in letting the most feared assassin guild being created•Becoming a legend by creating the most respected Knights•Accidentally led the establishment of the most devout and pious on and so forth. Yuna who found herself at the centre of it all : "......." Yuna: "I swear I'm only an ordinary person and everything is a mistake! an accident! I don't know anything ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ" Not only that, Yuna also have the knack of attracting all sorts of psychopaths. Psychopath no 1: "I cannot live without you, I won't let you leave me" Psychopath no 2: "You are my God and I am at the mercy of your will" Psychopath no 3: "What do you mean I am free? You are my shackles" Psychopath no 4, 5, 6, 7 : "Master, you cannot abandon us!" Yuna: "Fucking hell, what did I do??? Why Me??? (⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠˙̫̮⁠ ⁠ꈨຶ⁠ ⁠)" As a person who is always ordinary, Yuna felt overwhelmed in another world that cannot let her be ordinary!_____________________________________________________________________Assuming a role of an ordinary person in her previous life but adorn the role of either a God's messanger, Pioneer of Light, Guide, a path or even the God itself.....A fateful and eventful life of Yuna began in another World. [May the Holy Light be with you]



    Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug & Cat Noir[5][6](French: Miraculous, les aventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir; also known as Miraculous Ladybug[2][7][8] or Miraculous[9][10]) is a CGIsuperhero animated series produced by French studios Zagtoon and Method Animation in collaboration with De Agostini Editore in Italy, Toei Animation in Japan, and SAMG Animation in South Korea.[2][11] The series features two Parisian teenagers, Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Adrien Agreste, who transform into the superheroes Ladybug and Cat Noir, respectively, to protect the city from supervillains. They also have a crush on both their heroic and civilian forms.
