/ Urban / Imitation

Imitation Comic Imitation Comic


Completed 195 Chapters 2.1M Views
Publisher: Park Kyung-ran
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A secret love story between top boy band 'Shax' member 'Ryok' and newly debuted girl band member 'Maha'.
In the cruel world of showbiz, 'Maha' gets momentarily attention from the public as a look-a-like of a top diva 'Larima'. Maha's band gets a part in an idol sport show; only to find out the spotlight belongs to other stars. Out of desperation, Maha tried
to get more shot of camera but ended up causing injury of top boy band member 'Hyuk' of 'Shax'. How did this happen?!

  1. TiffMinton
    TiffMinton Contributed 7944
  2. Becki_Proffitt
    Becki_Proffitt Contributed 5462
  3. Smine98
    Smine98 Contributed 3948

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