/ Romance / Tender Loving CEO

Tender Loving CEO Comic Tender Loving CEO Comic

Tender Loving CEO

294 Chapters 3.8M Views
Publisher: SJCC
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What the hell?! Sese Yan was murdered thanks to her evil step-mother and her fiancé. But guess what? She wakes up in the past, with a second chance at life, revenge… and even love! She’s got a decade's worth of knowledge (beware, crime lords!) and a newfound fighting spirit. Sese even finds unexpected help from the handsome and rich Jinchen Fu. Can Sese and Jinchen stop history from repeating itself? Will she get upgraded to the good life or will death catch up to her once again?

  1. vampire_23_knight
    vampire_23_knight Contributed 108424
  2. Murielle_Dreessen
    Murielle_Dreessen Contributed 30528
  3. Peachbun
    Peachbun Contributed 25052


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