Xander Novels & Books - WebNovel

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About 340 results

  • The Billionaire's Genius Wife

    The Billionaire's Genius Wife



    [Completed] Scarlett's world collapses when she is drugged and forced to marry an old, filthy-rich widower with five children. Trying to escape her seemingly unavoidable trouble, she accepts a one-year contract marriage offer to a mysterious man. He promises this will get her out of her hostile-arranged marriage problems. She took the offer. If everything goes well, she will be a free and independent woman in one year. However, many things take an unexpected turn. The contract marriage made Scarlett's life feel like she was riding a rollercoaster—a mix of excitement and exhilaration, dreaded inferno, and joyful heaven. Get ready for a captivating tale that will keep you hooked from beginning to end, unraveling the enigmatic secrets of Scarlett's life. ******* Only a crazy person would accept his offer. And right now, she does not fall into that category. Her mind is still sane. "Please don't get me wrong. I'm just trying to help myself. And at the same time helping you." Scarlett was even more confused. "I know my problem is complicated. But, I think being married to a man I just met, without love, feels weird..." She said. "This is not a real marriage but a contract marriage that you can set up to your advantage. And also mine." Scarlett listened silently; inside, she was shocked and a bit perplexed. Xander crossed his arms over his chest while looking into Scarlett's eyes. He continued, "As I said before, I will help you, and at the same time, you will help me. I don't need to explain what my problem is. But, I assure you, if you agree to do a contract marriage with me, then your problems will be solved. So what do you think!?" Scarlett was in no hurry to speak. "So I can put any clauses I want in the contract?" The man nods, saying, "As long as it doesn't hurt me." She offered a handshake to Xander, "Okay. You got a deal!" ____ Another Tags: #Revenge, #Hacker #Villain #Comedy, #Action, #Assassin, #Genius, #Romance, #DotingHusband ____ Author Novel: 1. DAMN! I FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM (Completed) 2. The Bride Of Immortal Crown Prince (Completed) 3. Rebirth: Dancing In My Destiny (Completed) 4. The Billionaire's Genius Wife (Completed) 5. Rebirth As The Vampire Lord's Wife (Completed) 6. My Billionaire Ex-Husband Chase Me Back _____ How to contact me: >> Instagram account: authorpurplelight >> Join my Discord Server: https://bit.ly/purplelightserver _____ Notes: This book cover belongs to the author; please do not reuse it. _____ The Billionaire's Genius Wife is mainly published on Webnovel.com and a select few platforms affiliated with the website's parent company.

  • La Esposa Genio del Billonario

    La Esposa Genio del Billonario



    El mundo de Scarlett se derrumba cuando es drogada y obligada a casarse con un viudo viejo y asquerosamente rico con cinco hijos. Intentando escapar de su aparentemente inevitable problema, acepta una oferta de matrimonio por contrato de un año con un hombre misterioso. Él promete que esto la sacará de sus problemas de matrimonio arreglado hostil. Aceptó la oferta. Si todo sale bien, será una mujer libre e independiente en un año... Sin embargo, muchas cosas toman un giro inesperado. El matrimonio por contrato hizo que la vida de Scarlett se sintiera como si estuviera en una montaña rusa. Una mezcla de emoción y exaltación, temido infierno y cielo alegre. Prepárate para un relato cautivador que te mantendrá enganchado de principio a fin, desentrañando los enigmáticos secretos de la vida de Scarlett. ******* Solo una persona loca aceptaría su oferta. Y en este momento, ella no entra en esa categoría. Su mente aún está cuerda. —Por favor, no me malinterpretes. Solo estoy tratando de ayudarme a mí misma. Y al mismo tiempo ayudarte a ti. —Scarlett estaba aún más confundida. —Sé que mi problema es complicado. Pero creo que casarme con un hombre que acabo de conocer, sin amor, se siente extraño... —Dijo. —Este no es un matrimonio real, sino un matrimonio por contrato que puedes organizar a tu favor. Y también al mío. —Scarlett escuchó en silencio; por dentro, estaba shockeada y un poco perpleja. Xander cruzó sus brazos sobre su pecho mientras miraba a los ojos de Scarlett. Continuó: —Como dije antes, te ayudaré y, al mismo tiempo, tú me ayudarás a mí. No necesito explicar cuál es mi problema. Pero, te aseguro que si aceptas hacer un matrimonio por contrato conmigo, tus problemas se resolverán. ¿Qué piensas? Scarlett no tenía prisa por hablar. Lentamente levantó la cabeza y dijo: —Entonces, ¿puedo incluir cualquier cláusula que quiera en el contrato? —El hombre asiente, diciendo: —Mientras no me haga daño. —Ofreció un apretón de manos a Xander, —De acuerdo. ¡Tenemos un trato!

  • Istri Jenius si Miliarder

    Istri Jenius si Miliarder


    Dunia Scarlett runtuh ketika dia dicampur obat dan dipaksa menikah dengan janda kaya yang sangat tua, yang memiliki lima anak. Mencoba melarikan diri dari masalah yang nampaknya tidak bisa dihindari, dia menerima tawaran pernikahan kontrak selama satu tahun untuk pria misterius tersebut. Dia berjanji ini akan mengeluarkan dia dari masalah pernikahan yang ditentang dengan paksa. Dia menerima tawaran tersebut. Jika semuanya lancar, dia akan menjadi wanita bebas dan mandiri dalam satu tahun ... Namun, banyak hal yang mengambil giliran yang tak terduga. Pernikahan kontrak membuat kehidupan Scarlett terasa seperti dia sedang menaiki rollercoaster. Campuran kegembiraan dan antusiasme, diteror neraka, dan surganya yang bahagia. Bersiaplah untuk cerita yang menawan yang akan membuat Anda terpikat dari awal hingga akhir, mengurai rahasia enigmatik dari kehidupan Scarlett. ******* Hanya orang gila yang akan menerima tawarannya. Dan sekarang ini, dia tidak termasuk dalam kategori itu. Pikirannya masih waras. "Tolong jangan salah paham. Saya hanya mencoba membantu diri saya sendiri. Dan pada saat yang sama membantu Anda." Scarlett semakin bingung. "Saya tahu masalah saya rumit. Tapi, aku rasa menikah dengan pria yang baru saja kukenal, tanpa cinta, terasa aneh..." katanya. "Ini bukan pernikahan sungguhan, tetapi pernikahan kontrak yang bisa Anda atur untuk keuntungan Anda. Dan juga milikku." Scarlett mendengarkan dengan diam; di dalam hatinya, dia terkejut dan agak bingung. Xander menyilang lengan di atas dada sambil menatap mata Scarlett. Dia melanjutkan, "Seperti yang saya katakan sebelumnya, saya akan membantu Anda, dan pada saat yang sama, Anda akan membantu saya. Saya tidak perlu menjelaskan apa masalah saya. Tapi, saya menjamin Anda, jika Anda setuju untuk melakukan pernikahan kontrak dengan saya, maka masalah Anda akan terpecahkan. Jadi, apa pendapatmu!?" Scarlett tidak terburu-buru untuk bicara. Dia perlahan mengangkat kepala dan berkata, "Jadi saya bisa memasukkan klausul apa pun yang saya inginkan dalam kontrak?" Pria itu mengangguk, berkata, "Selama itu tidak menyakitiku." Dia menawarkan jabat tangan kepada Xander, "Oke. Kau dapat mengatasi!"

  • A Esposa Gênio do Bilionário

    A Esposa Gênio do Bilionário



    O mundo de Scarlett desmorona quando ela é dopada e forçada a se casar com um velho viúvo podre de rico com cinco filhos. Tentando escapar de seu aparentemente inevitável problema, ela aceita a oferta de um casamento por contrato de um ano com um homem misterioso. Ele promete que isso a tirará dos problemas de seu casamento hostilmente arranjado. Ela aceita a oferta. Se tudo correr bem, em um ano ela será uma mulher livre e independente... No entanto, muitas coisas tomam um rumo inesperado. O casamento por contrato fez a vida da Scarlett parecer um passeio na montanha-russa. Uma mistura de emoção e entusiasmo, inferno temido e paraíso alegre. Prepare-se para uma história cativante que prende sua atenção do começo ao fim, desvendando os enigmáticos segredos da vida de Scarlett. ******* Apenas uma pessoa louca aceitaria sua oferta. E, no momento, ela não se encaixa nessa categoria. Sua mente ainda é sã. "Por favor, não me entenda mal. Eu estou apenas tentando me ajudar. E ao mesmo tempo ajudando você." Scarlett ficou ainda mais confusa. "Sei que meu problema é complicado. Mas acho que casar com um homem que acabei de conhecer, sem amor, é estranho..." Ela disse. "Isso não é um casamento real, mas um casamento por contrato que você pode usar a seu favor. E também no meu." Scarlett ouviu em silêncio; por dentro, ela estava chocada e um pouco perplexa. Xander cruzou os braços sobre o peito, olhando nos olhos de Scarlett. Ele continuou: "Como eu disse antes, eu vou te ajudar, e ao mesmo tempo, você vai me ajudar. Não preciso explicar qual é o meu problema. Mas, te garanto que, se você aceitar fazer um casamento por contrato comigo, seus problemas serão resolvidos. Então, o que você acha?!" Scarlett não teve pressa para falar. Ela levantou lentamente a cabeça e disse: "Então eu posso colocar qualquer cláusula que eu quiser no contrato?" O homem concorda, dizendo: "Desde que não me prejudique." Ela estendeu a mão para Xander: "Tudo bem. Fechado!"

  • The Doctor Who Loves Me

    The Doctor Who Loves Me



    In his arms, she found her home, and she wanted to stay in that home forever. …. [warning:Novel is r18 * NO rape * No major misunderstanding!] Status: Completed Novel ****** "Stand up." Yera hissed, eyes narrowed at Xander. "It's already up." Xander smirked and leaned against the headboard of the bed.  He lifted an eyebrow and with a grin added, "Perhaps you need.... skin to skin proof?" Disbelief flashed in Yera's eyes. It was quickly replaced with anger. "You pervert!" "You took advantage of me," he teased. His eyes slowly trailed down her lips towards her neck and with his hoarse voice said, "Or would you like me to remind you... what you did last night?" He was Xander Yang whose hope of marriage ended when he was diagnosed with an erectile dysfunction. Smart and stubborn, the Doctor CEO of Yang Globals group was a very bubbly and loveable person but a difficult man to handle.  However, meeting a certain Deyna Song turned his world upside down. How could his dysfunction vanish when he was around her? What kind of magic does this feisty woman hold? Meanwhile, Yera Han had it all. Aside from being the youngest surgeon in the world, she was also the ruthless heiress of the Life Hospitals Group. Smart, Beautiful and Cold. She was revered as the ice queen capable of bringing back the dead with her hands. However, fate took everything away from her… her love, her property... She was left with nothing and lived as Deyna Song. How could she allow fate to make her dance in its palm? She was Yera Han and she vowed to take all that was hers back! They took everything away from her and now she was left with nothing but vengeance... Then came this doctor following her around offering a marriage alliance? How could she think of getting married when her everything was at stake!  ========== Author's Note: Hope you enjoy reading this ORIGINAL novel of mine. This is absolutely a happy ending. Many thanks in advance for your support. With Lots of Love, EUSTOMA_reyna Other Books: The CEO Who Hates Me (completed) The General Who Hates Me (completed) The Doctor Who Loves Me (completed) The Law of Attraction (completed) Kiss Me Not (in writing) The Untamed: Game of Hearts The Crown's Entrapment Cover is mine... Cover art by panic_at____the_disco (instagram) contact me at: Discord Link: https://discord.gg/PNGkTUy Facebook Page: @eustoma.reyna twitter: @EUSTOMA_reyna instagram: eustoma_reyna

  • La femme génie du milliardaire

    La femme génie du milliardaire


    Le monde de Scarlett s'effondre lorsqu'elle est droguée et forcée d'épouser un vieux veuf dégoûtant et riche avec cinq enfants. Essayant d'échapper à son problème apparemment inévitable, elle accepte une offre de mariage contractuel d'un an avec un homme mystérieux. Il lui promet que cela la sortira de ses problèmes de mariage arrangé hostile. Elle accepte l'offre. Si tout se passe bien, elle sera une femme libre et indépendante dans un an... Cependant, beaucoup de choses prennent un tournant inattendu. Le mariage contractuel a fait en sorte que la vie de Scarlett ressemble à une montagne russe. Un mélange d'excitation et d'exaltation, d'enfer redouté et de paradis joyeux. Préparez-vous pour un récit captivant qui vous tiendra en haleine du début à la fin, dévoilant les secrets énigmatiques de la vie de Scarlett. ******* Seule une personne folle accepterait son offre. Et en ce moment, elle ne peut pas dire qu'elle l'est. Son esprit est encore sain. "Ne vous méprenez pas, s'il vous plaît. Je cherche simplement à m'aider moi-même. Et en même temps vous aider." Scarlett était encore plus confuse. "Je sais que mon problème est compliqué. Mais, je pense qu'être mariée à un homme que je viens de rencontrer, sans amour, me semble étrange..." dit-elle. "Il ne s'agit pas d'un vrai mariage, mais d'un mariage contractuel que vous pouvez organiser à votre avantage. Et aussi le mien." Scarlett écouta silencieusement ; à l'intérieur, elle était choquée et un peu perplexe. Xander croisa les bras sur sa poitrine en regardant dans les yeux de Scarlett. Il poursuivit : "Comme je l'ai dit auparavant, je vous aiderai et en même temps, vous m'aiderez. Je n'ai pas besoin de vous expliquer quel est mon problème. Mais, je vous assure que si vous acceptez de faire un mariage contractuel avec moi, vos problèmes seront résolus. Alors, qu'en pensez-vous!?" Scarlett ne se précipita pas pour parler. Elle leva lentement la tête et dit : "Alors je peux mettre toutes les clauses que je veux dans le contrat?" L'homme acquiesce, disant: "Tant que cela ne me fait pas de mal." Elle tendit la main à Xander, "D'accord. On a un marché!"

  • Alpha Xander series

    Alpha Xander series

    Lena's entire pack was wiped away. Her whole family was also killed. It all happened right in front of her eyes. She was saved by Lillian, the Luna of the Blue Moon Pack.She thought her life would be better in the new pack, but not until the Luna died from the internal injury she got while saving her.This alone made everyone hate her deeply and raw, especially the Alpha and his son. She became lower than an Omega, a slave, No one knew the great powers hidden in her. She was a rare hybrid, but the key to her powers was her mate.One day, she saved a werewolf caught by a powerful trap, not knowing he was Alpha Xander, the most powerful and ruthless creature ever known. Never did she know that one act would change her life.What do you think would happen when they meet again in school, right in the same class, and then she finds out who her mate truly was?Xander hated her as she was a weak wolf, but then, fate had a lot for them.

  • Die geniale Ehefrau des Milliardärs

    Die geniale Ehefrau des Milliardärs


    Scarletts Welt bricht zusammen, als sie unter Drogen gesetzt und gezwungen wird, einen alten, stinkreichen Witwer mit fünf Kindern zu heiraten. Um ihren scheinbar unausweichlichen Problemen zu entkommen, nimmt sie ein einjähriges Heiratsangebot eines mysteriösen Mannes an. Er verspricht ihr, sie damit aus ihren feindlich gesinnten Eheproblemen herauszuholen. Sie nimmt das Angebot an. Wenn alles gut geht, wird sie in einem Jahr eine freie und unabhängige Frau sein... Doch viele Dinge nehmen eine unerwartete Wendung. Durch die Vertragsehe fühlte sich Scarletts Leben wie eine Achterbahnfahrt an. Eine Mischung aus Aufregung und Hochgefühl, gefürchtetem Inferno und freudigem Himmel. Machen Sie sich bereit für eine fesselnde Geschichte, die Sie von Anfang bis Ende fesseln wird und die rätselhaften Geheimnisse von Scarletts Leben aufdeckt. ******* Nur eine verrückte Person würde sein Angebot annehmen. Und im Moment fällt sie nicht in diese Kategorie. Sie ist noch bei klarem Verstand. "Verstehen Sie mich bitte nicht falsch. Ich versuche nur, mir selbst zu helfen. Und gleichzeitig dir zu helfen." Scarlett war noch mehr verwirrt. "Ich weiß, mein Problem ist kompliziert. Aber ich denke, mit einem Mann verheiratet zu sein, den ich gerade erst kennengelernt habe, ohne Liebe, fühlt sich komisch an..." sagte sie. "Das ist keine echte Ehe, sondern eine Vertragsehe, die du zu deinem Vorteil einrichten kannst. Und auch zu meinem." Scarlett hörte schweigend zu; innerlich war sie schockiert und ein wenig verwirrt. Xander verschränkte seine Arme vor der Brust und sah Scarlett in die Augen. Er fuhr fort: "Wie ich bereits gesagt habe, werde ich dir helfen, und gleichzeitig wirst du mir helfen. Ich brauche nicht zu erklären, was mein Problem ist. Aber ich versichere dir, wenn du dich bereit erklärst, eine Vertragsehe mit mir einzugehen, dann werden deine Probleme gelöst sein. Also, was denkst du!?" Scarlett hatte es nicht eilig, zu sprechen. Sie hob langsam den Kopf und sagte: "Ich kann also jede beliebige Klausel in den Vertrag schreiben?" Der Mann nickt und sagt: "Solange es mir nicht schadet." Sie bot Xander einen Händedruck an: "Okay, abgemacht!" ____ Weitere Tags: #Rache, #Hacker #Bösewicht #Komödie, #Action, #Assassine, #Genie, #Romanze, #vernarrterEhemann ____ Autor Roman: 1. DAMN! I FALL IN LOVE WITH HIM (Abgeschlossen) 2. Die Braut des unsterblichen Kronprinzen (Abgeschlossen) 3. Wiedergeburt: Dancing In My Destiny (Abgeschlossen) 4. Die geniale Ehefrau des Milliardärs 5. Die geniale Ehefrau des dunklen Lords _____ Wie Sie mich kontaktieren können: >> Instagram-Account: authorpurplelight >> Meinem Discord Server beitreten: https://bit.ly/purplelightserver _____ Anmerkungen: Dieses Buchcover gehört dem Autor; bitte nicht weiterverwenden. _____

  • Alpha xander

    Alpha xander

  • Xander thunder

    Xander thunder


    xander aldous zilong marcos kurla thor marie layla

  • xander jay

    xander jay

  • The Red Queen of Nothing

    The Red Queen of Nothing



    “I, Lord Tank Albridge, and my family, Pete Albridge, Cleo Albridge, and Fred Albridge, disavow Vinnandra the hateful as our blood. “Today, in one voice we curse the day she joined us, and we’ll forever celebrate the day she has left our ranks! Vinnandra shall not know us, and she is not ours to know anymore.” In a world of white-haired dragon riders, Vinnandra Albridge is born red-haired as the forbidden spawn of a witch-spy and a dragon rider known as the Hateful. Neither needed by her own royal family, nor wanted by anyone for the matter, Vinn tries to get by everyday unnoticed and alive. However, her simple plans come crashing down when her family disavows her by removing her from her royal bloodline, proclaiming her a traitor to consequently serve as an official slave to the notorious Lenklock dragon riders family that rules the North, best known for their dominance and cruelty amongst all. There, it would seem that while Vinn might not be able to groom a dragon, she might make good food for one… not if she had anything to do about it. Vowing to fight for her life and rise above others, Vinn must learn how to break through her blood and reach to whatever minute strength she possesses and become a dragon rider… or something. And it would seem Vinnandra’s vows would be realized in the form of Xander Lenklock—a troubled man and problematic heir who charges into her life, proclaiming a nobody like her his greatest ally and seeking her alliance. For the first time in a long while, Vinn feels needed and wanted—two dangerous elements that ignites feelings she shouldn’t have, and evokes thoughts she shouldn’t think. And in a partnership that might make or break them, Vinn was sure she would do anything to have Xanders’ body, heart and soul. Problem is, Xander has a fiancée who was there to stay… forever. **** Expect Daily Updates!

  • Loving The Dragon Lord CEO

    Loving The Dragon Lord CEO



    {MATURE CONTENT! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK.} Jade Nova Frost, heiress to the Frost Empire, a Mafia gang. During a family celebration, she had her full family and its supporters, murdered by a rival Mafia family. Escaping with her life, Jade moved to Star Cross City to lay low, changing her identity and plotting her revenge against her sworn enemy, Zale Anders. Jade meets Xander Warner, the all-time wealthy, handsome, intelligent CEO of the Warner Corporations, blessed with a mysterious power, in an unfortunate incident, where the latter tries to protect her, both unaware of each other’s true identity. Through revenge and chaos, both fell in love with each other, only to be faced with a shocking truth. Would she let her revenge take over and end all those who took her family from her or would she let her love for him rule out everything? What secrets lay in dark and what cruel destiny awaited her? ********* "Is that any way to treat the person who saved you thrice in one night, tigress?" "I didn't ask for your help. I could handle it myself," Jade protested. "Really? I wonder what you had done to them, for so many men to be chasing after you right now." His calm cool voice breezed into her ears, sending chills down her spine at how lovely his voice could be. "Not your business. Why do you keep coming after me? Who are you? I do not know you." She raised her head, so she could look at his eyes to be sure he wasn't going to lie. A terrible mistake she made as her eyes came in contact with those sexy lips that would capture a girl's heart at once. His eyes melted a little at the sight that captivated him. Taking his gaze back up, he took in what he could of her beauty and felt he was been drowned in. "So pretty." "Huh?" The next thing he did, left her wide-eyed and blinking uncontrollably, trying to process what was happening. Xander had leaned in and captured her lips in a sensual, breathtaking kiss, closing his eyes and enjoying the feel of her lips on his. --------- Cover not mine, all credit goes to the original owner. Discord server: http//discord.gg/BH666ZK Instagram: baevidaa Discord: BaeVida#7167

  • I Become The Supreme Vampire Lord

    I Become The Supreme Vampire Lord


    [MATURE CONTENT WARNING - Swearing and sexual scenes are apart of this novel!!!] Al'Hazier was never as obedient as his older brothers had been. He got himself in trouble often, and did things he was explicitly told not to do - like drink things from the forbidden cabinet in the cellar looking to get a little drunk. He had no idea he had taken a precious, forbidden potion that his father had actually been saving for himself at the right moment. When the king discovered his youngest son had taken the very nectar he coveted - he was so furious that he did the unthinkable: He cut up Al'Hazier's body with a silver knife, and divided up his body parts around their country. For his head, though - King Varkys made sure that it was preserved in a crystal-lined silver box. A head that would never die. A head that lived in dark silence. A head in a sense - literally buried in the sand. That was over 300 years ago. Going mad, and certain he would be surrounded in darkness forever until the earth finally exploded and disintegrated his corpse - Al'Hazier wasn't expecting to see the sunny seaside again, nor did he expect a group of beautiful women to be the first thing he had seen in decades. After discovering his brother is up to no good, and how terrible the world has become, Azier finds his heart soft for his female companions, and hardened against Azrael, who has taken control over literally /everything/. Once he finally reveals his secrets to the six sexy saviors, they help him grow his abilities as well as his knowledge for the new world...but it comes at a price. Sure, it was nice to have an arsenal and weapons to fight back against his brother - but what happens when it comes at the price of his sanity and the very person he is at his core? Find out what happens when one war front becomes two as Azier not only takes on the tyranny of his brother - but his actual self as well when things end up not even close to what he expected. **Updated Daily** 50 Power stones = one extra chapter for that week. 1 Golden Ticket = two extra chapters that week. Gifts of any kind = four extra chapters for that week. [Cover Made on NightCafe] **A SLOW BURN NOVEL** ------------------------------------------------------------------------- [EXCERPT:] "So for whatever reason, the rest of my sisters think that you can be trusted. They think you're more than a stupid party boy and a petulant child." "Ouch. Am I talking to my dad here, ooooor?" Azier started with raised eyebrows as he tried to not take this seriously, despite the fact he wanted to shout at her that she had no idea what he was capable of. None of them did. You see - he had a secret of his own as well. One he kept guarded. One only two other people knew about, and both were dead. Alhazier could use magic. It was so scary, so unheard of, so....so abnormally scary that his mother and older brother Xander had warned him to keep it to himself. Hell, he didn't even practice. He buried it deep, deep down in his wretched little soul. However, it would seem that now it would be handy and a good bargaining chip should he need it. So they could keep their secrets. "I'm sorry, did the truth hurt your feelings?" Ilsandra asked with as much contempt in her voice as one could manage. "Nah. I've been called worse by better, so your words mean nothing," Azier answered easily like they were having some sort of casual conversation about the weather. "Funny." She spat back coldly.



    Pada akhirnya, Tita sadar jika tidak ada orang lain yang lebih memahami dirinya sebaik Xander.Namun dengan status tinggi Xander saat ini, apa laki-laki itu masih mau memahaminya?

  • My System is Turning Me Into a Yandere

    My System is Turning Me Into a Yandere



    Devon slaps Eleanor across the face for turning down his advances. This was nothing new; in this world, women of lower status are treated like slaves and toys because they are the primary reason that the corrupted She monsters known as Divas exist. ... ... ... [4 weeks later] Devon's body was located at the bottom of a deep cavity in the Divine Forest, with both hands and legs cut off, and evidence of severe torture was revealed, including a level of violence that is too awful to describe. The injuries found on the body, however, were extensive, with the major ones including seven broken ribs, 519 shallow cuts all over the body, both eyes forcefully removed, his manhood gruesomely stretched beyond repair, and his teeth and fingers forcefully ripped off and wrapped around his neck, the arteries as a base, almost as if it was a warning. ... ... ... Kerja was almost taken advantage of by the head trainer Leon, but a great disturbance occurs in the courtyard, compelling the trainer to stop his evil crime. [8 hours later] Leon's body was discovered, and the cause of death was 495 stab wounds to the chest. At the scene, only a mysterious girl claiming to be him was discovered, and all evidence points to her committing the murder. The delusional woman was sentenced to life in the Orc lab as a breeder girl for the heinous crime. ... ... ... "Lord Agnus, you must believe me, Xander your son is dangerous, I saw it with my own eyes, that thing you brought back from your mission isn't human, I saw him kill my sister, he took her wings and forced her to eat it, and forced me to watch, please husband, you must kill him while he is still young, you must... *Slap* "Silence woman who allowed you to speak, that thing you call a monster was one of my blood brother's son." He is the last remaining Overdeath in existence, like his father, he will grow up to be a fine assassin, do not defame such noble blood, as long as I breathe no harm will come to him, you will treat him with respect, am I clear?" Angus yelled at his fifth concubine, irritated by her slanders; after all, she has always been down his throat since Xander arrived, and if he doesn't correct her now, she will definitely enrage him, forcing her to fuck about and find out. Meanwhile, Ram looked over at Xander's bed and noticed the black hair Demon in the guise of a toddler floating and gliding in the air, silently laughing at her, all the while keeping that awful sadistic smile of his. It was plain to see what Xander was thinking. He was relishing her agony, as well as the several fruitless attempts she made to expose him. To add insult to injury, he suddenly brought out a familiar skull as he began sharpening his keen demonic claws, Yes! this demon child who torments her even in her dream, kept her sister's skull as a file to sharpen his claws. "Please believe me, my darling... l-l-look, he's flying again, that technique shouldn't be feasible for a one-year-old... it's a saint-class performance, I tell you, he's the devil!!!" Angus turns around, but Xander is sleeping quietly on his bed, not bothering anyone, until he looks back at Ram. For the fifty-fifth time, she was slapped over the balcony for lying about his adopted son. «Congratulations. The task "Rightful discipline" is complete» «Reward 1: Three-level advancement» «Reward 2: Stealth has been promoted to Level 34» «New mission established» «Use the astral body technique to stalk Priscilla without her divine intuition detecting you.» «Reward 1: ???» «Reward 2: An angel's inquisitiveness»

  • Xander And The Blaze

    Xander And The Blaze


    "Who the hell or what the hell are you? And why are you in my head?" "I am the system, and the system has chosen you as its host, Alexander Todd" *** Alec lives in a city where power is everything. He gets bullied a lot in highschool because he is poor. And does not fall into any power category. One day, he passed out while getting bullied and was left alone in the rain. Soon, lightning struck him in his subconscious state. He did not wake up for days until the sound of a system in his head woke him up. Right at that moment, his life took a drastic change. His journey from being a powerless boy to a superhero becomes a fascinating one.

  • Secrets of Xander University

    Secrets of Xander University

    Not everything that you see is true. Not everything you want will come true. Not everyone presents their real self, what about you? Not everything is true Not everything is real Not everything can be seen ... Unless you look hard enough to see what's within.

  • Alpha Xander Rebellious Mate

    Alpha Xander Rebellious Mate


    All Emerald Kingsley wanted was peace and quiet and eventually she got it but it was short lived as crises rose up in the werewolve's world and being the only one with the gift of a seer around her help is needed Going back home she finds out that the moon goddess mated her to the Lycan King but she wants nothing to do with him because she never wanted a mate but was this brute of an alpha king going to let the mate he has been waiting for for years off? No, he sets out to tame and win the heart of his wild mate

  • Xander's Revenge

    Xander's Revenge


    After being rejected for the third time by her fiancé, Sophia Aston Valencia found herself dancing uncontrollably wild, unstoppable under the influence of alcohol in one of their hung out place, trying to forget everything about being dumped or broken or just reminiscing about her high school puppy love Xander that stuck in whole her life still hoping, wishing he'll come back. She was surrounded by guys she didn't know who took advantage of her because she was severely inflicted with alcohol. She pushed them away with the help of a gorgeous, good-looking, mysterious man which she thought harmless but found herself beside him naked…. Alexander Will Richards, a lawyer turned chef moving back to the country after running away 9 years ago because of being dumped in public by his first love... Does the mysterious man have some secrets Sophia must be aware of, or will he be the man destined to be her husband?!? And if he was, would they end up happily ever after?!?!
