Reviews of MHA : THE NEW SPIDER by Your_Drug_Supplier - Webnovel

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  • Writing Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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LV 15 Badge


Author please don't cut off my supply and drop this novel. I love how the mc interacts with his family, and how his powers are progressing. Story development is 10/10 so far in my opinion. I don't usually comment on these things, but I'm genuinely enjoying your story.
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Reveal Spoiler
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please continue this novel author. I loved all the chapters so far. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ
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Estuvo bastante buena la novela, lastima que no la terminaste, pensaba que spider man en bnha, no iba a ser bueno pero me gusto, si hubiera romance con una milf mejor
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Dude many have problems because it's a wish fullfilment. But the mc is not op like another novels he is just strong among students and some teachers.
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I really really really like it
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I love spider-man,because he is my favorite hero and vigilante,so he is great in my hero academia,because he can change the story in a lot of ways,so please keep it up I love this story please.
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Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice Nice!
Reveal Spoiler
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Please update more chaptee... I really enjoy reding this book.. I like the way the mc use the simbiot to enhence his strength and the ability the mc possessed are like ivankov fron one piece except the mc cant change the gender of someone
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Please update more chapter... This is very good... The quirk he have has a lot of potential to surpasse one for all... Maybe he has all the spider power from marvel like mile has electricity web or can turn.
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I look forward to reading your fic Author-sama. The idea for the plot seems interesting, this is the first MHA fic I've seen so far that uses Spider-Man's powers for the reincarnator. (I always make my first review have 3 stars before I read a promising novel/fic and will post an updated review/rating with my thoughts on the novel/fic after I've read a few chapters)
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You might be thinking not bad but this is not what you think. Yhe mc is one of those i don’t want attention type of person and the powers are weird
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5 5 5 5 5 5 hope tbis novel stay as long as possible. 5 5 5 5 5 5 hope tbis novel stay as long as possible.
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The story is great, it started great but UA became a bit boring.. it feels to serious and the use of weapons when they got quirks is annoying, I get that it's AU but it doesn't feel as exciting as mha..
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I guess it is a good book? I'm giving this a chance and it seems pretty good. I'm not counting any small detail or something like that. But the story is good overall i guess.
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Exp expe endnf F f f f F fhiz** B The Beginning
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good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good good
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LV 5 Badge


Another self fulfillment bs, mc has spiderman, symbiote and haku, masters spiderman and learn to use haki and the symbiote quite young , is a genius, in short? everything the authorbelieves himself not to be.
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AU MHA sometimes doesn’t make sense, like deku or etc. But still fine![img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend]
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LV 3 Badge


Very good, but I believe that there are now some new villains to give more emotion, something like a partner for the shigaraki that is a challenge for the MC. momo for example would be interesting, as giving a training direction for her to make an armor like Tony's training together with the mechanic of the construction site would be really cool. other than that I think it's perfect, never stop thanks for the story.
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What made it necessary to become so strong from the beginning? Where are you hurrying? There are many such novels and do you know what unites them? All suspended!
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writing and update: good character design: I am confused whether to appreciate new one who only explained in single paragraph or old one. story: training and training then training and more training. Hardly any dialogue between him and classmates. I am sorry, I am more of a story guy than ''getting stronger and stronger" guy.
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Look I kinda opted out after like I think chap 5 was it, I thought it was a bit stupid how things were explained because as an outsider looking in, the 'story' from his childhood to U.A was kinda eh and his 'training' n' overall head space as an MC wasn't really compellingly or even remotely written competently enough to make the flow when reading somewhat exciting I mean it's a -clichè to competent hero- type story so why am I just stuck reading bars of chalky text about powers that won't be relevant unless the fight scenes are spectacular? We're introduced to zero of the fascinating ways things can play out after reincarnating or basically any comedic or interesting uses of his abilities that he can find on his own, what I got was just skipping training because "being a kid is cool and relaxing!" :c it really disappointed me, even with the throw in of him actually bothering to spend his time learning subjects he had an interest in, in his previous life he just feels like... well a dumbass. I removed the story from my Library and then reading list but the app still finds a need to notify me of updates, so periodically I'd read chaps after stuff I really enjoy like -Custom Made Demon King-, -The Oracle Paths-, -Supreme Magus- or -Reverend Insanity- when they don't update and the the Authors who make really cool fan-fics get discouraged when writing or just don't have the time n' reduce their steady paced publishing to meager novel update chaps once every two weeks.... Point is between work and sleep I've gotten up to chap 14 of this 'novel' and I don't really get why there are so many people bullying people making honest reviews or comments on chapters. Like dead ass I love his powers but what the author is doing to the characters that I know, and the world that I love, it just makes me kinda cringe. This isn't a bash review I honest to god don't understand what anyone is protecting, literally gave Izuku a quirk but still made him shy, calmed Bakugou down, put tetsu tetsu of all people in class 1-A, then fuxked the school schedule so that there's no possible way the incident with the school gate and the stealing of 1-A's schedule can happen when the kids are in the cafeteria >w< and he had the f***ing nerve to imply that 'asking' an eagle or whatever type of bird to fly with a ball in its claws or beak for however long can = infinity even though them mofo's need to eat and have kids it's also bs that he tried using a measurement of AFO's strength enhancement to get the MC's pitching score an infinity, there's so much more sh*it to talk about but that would be either after or before chap 10 within chaps I don't even remember the numbers of(since there's no f***ing chap titles) and I'm just not in the mood to get on a little fan boy's radar. Last thing I'll say is stop defending something when you can't even completely articulate the issues that it possesses, and don't waste spider sense.
Reveal Spoiler
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LV 12 Badge


The story starts off fine but quickly takes a turn down hill. Parts of the writing dont make sense and useless details are added for no reason. Every time there is a timeskip the mc grows for some reason, it has no importance but just happens. Another issue I had was hoe the mc is provlaimed to be smart but only looks at the heros outside of japan at the age of 14. Thats pretty narrowminded for a supposedly smart person. Anyway thats my thoughts on the matter.
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this fanfic is really realistic, the character development is nice and everything about the **** is awesome. please continue to update it and we will support you.
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Writing quality- it’s great Update stability- it’s new but, so far looking promising. Story Development- he just trains theirs small known family interactions. Mc hasn’t done much it’s sad honestly. Character design- above average in height, extremely handsome and has gray ash hair we learn all this in mid chapter 5. Granted u have talked about his cuteness and height befor still at least give us hair color in chap 1. - he enjoys training some more training and even more training( he’s to be op why waste your time talking about training). -I would be down if you had mc train get strong. Story development then after a while and u got experience with the last power up. We can go back to training but, in a new way. World background- you created your own version of the world but, let’s be honest we’re not going to explore it. -U might not have meant to but, it just ended up looking like you were begging for a 5 star rating when it comes to the world background. I’ll at least give u a 3 for the ideas you had. Over all I’m moving on their is always disappointment in others works **** fanfics.
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