Reviews of Supreme Magus by Legion20 - Webnovel

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  • Writing Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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I've been reading this book for a while now, and it's amazing! although my words can't do this work of art justice I'll try my best: The characters feel so real and the author does an amazing job in making all of the magical laws make sense. when the protagonist becomes more powerful it isn't in some vague way that he is suddenly "stronger" but he gains some new thing through hard work. it makes the story that much more impressive because it feels like he is just describing how another world works rather than some make belive thing!
View 60 Replies
By far the best book on this platform. Remember to read the prologue otherwise you won’t understand who Carl or Chris or Ezio are. A great plus of this story is that there are no gratuitous good guys or bad guys, with one exception. The characters deemed to be protectors, guardians, are often passive in front of evil bacause they deem it necessary. Likewise, « evil » characters are not defined by their crimes and have believable motives and dreams that actually could change the world for the best. The main character also frequently does good for the wrong reasons. There is a love square, but the mc doesn’t allow himself to be tortured by it. He is able to resist the seduction of his love interests, especially when he thinks that love might be immature, that it might exist for the wrong reasons.
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Supreme Magus is, hands down, one of the best fantasy novels that I've ever read. Perfectly blending a world with an unfathomable amounts of detail and lore with good character development, intricate storylines with a refreshing take on magic, Supreme Magus manages to amaze me with each and every chapter, reminding me of why I have been reading it for the past 2 years, time that I do not regret investing. The author's — Legion20's — writing style is particularly unique and I personally loved how it has grown and evolved over the past two thousand chapters. The novel has had consistent uploads for as long as I can remember, with a couple of breaks here and there, but too irrelevant for me to downgrade the rating. If you enjoy a morally complex character who permanently grows and changes, never faltering before whatever obstacles are thrown his way, then this novel is for you. From infant, to a soldier. From a soldier, to Supreme Magus.
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🔞📞Compre dinheiro falso online: 🔞☎️🔞[Telegram:......+1(331)642–0693]✔️🛒 📦£$€¥ £- Título: 🔞Moeda falsa: revelando os perigos ocultos Compreendendo a moeda falsa 🌐Telegrama…………….[ +1(331)642–0693] £CA$$€¥ £✔️ Moeda falsa refere-se a imitação de dinheiro que reproduz a aparência física e as características de segurança das notas genuínas. Os falsificadores empregam técnicas sofisticadas para produzir dinheiro falsificado, tornando difícil para os indivíduos comuns diferenciar entre moeda real e falsa. A produção de dinheiro falsificado não envolve apenas a impressão, mas também a replicação de intrincados recursos de segurança, como marcas d'água, hologramas e números de série exclusivos. O Impacto Global 🔞@topnotesqualidade) £CA$$€¥ £- Mais informações: 💯 ( £CA$$€¥ £-☎️WhatsApp…………..[ +1(331)642–0693] ✔️£A$$€¥ £-–0693 🌐Telegrama…………….[ +1(331)642–0693]✔️ A moeda falsa tem consequências de longo alcance que vão além das vítimas individuais. Representa uma ameaça significativa às economias nacionais, às instituições financeiras e às empresas honestas. A circulação de dinheiro falsificado corrói a confiança nos sistemas financeiros, conduzindo à instabilidade económica. Além disso, a moeda falsa contribui para a inflação, uma vez que o aumento da oferta de moeda inflaciona artificialmente os preços, afectando negativamente o poder de compra dos consumidores. O efeito cascata nos indivíduos A moeda falsa pode causar estragos em indivíduos inocentes que, sem saber, aceitam dinheiro falso. Imagine receber notas falsas como pagamento pelo seu trabalho árduo ou recebê-las como troco após uma compra. Descobrir que alguém foi vítima de moeda falsa pode ser financeiramente devastador. Reconhecer dinheiro falsificado exige vigilância e familiaridade com as características de segurança das notas genuínas, mas mesmo os indivíduos mais cautelosos podem ser enganados. O impacto nas empresas A circulação de moeda falsa coloca sérios desafios às empresas, especialmente às das indústrias com utilização intensiva de numerário. Os retalhistas, os restaurantes e as pequenas empresas são particularmente vulneráveis ao dinheiro falsificado, uma vez que normalmente realizam transações em numerário. Aceitar moeda falsa não só resulta em perdas financeiras, mas também mancha a reputação das empresas. Além disso, as empresas que circulam involuntariamente moeda falsa podem enfrentar consequências jurídicas, agravando ainda mais os danos causados pela moeda falsa. O papel das instituições financeiras As instituições financeiras desempenham um papel fundamental no combate à moeda falsa. Os bancos empregam medidas rigorosas para detectar e prevenir a circulação de dinheiro falsificado. Eles utilizam tecnologias avançadas, como varredura ultravioleta, sensores infravermelhos e detectores de tinta magnética para verificar a autenticidade das notas. As instituições financeiras também colaboram com as autoridades responsáveis pela aplicação da lei e com os bancos centrais para partilhar informações e implementar medidas preventivas. Iniciativas governamentais e ações legais Os governos de todo o mundo reconheceram a gravidade do problema da moeda falsa e tomaram medidas abrangentes para o combater. Foram implementadas ações legislativas para impor sanções severas aos falsificadores, dissuadindo potenciais infratores. Além disso, os governos investem em investigação e desenvolvimento para melhorar as características de segurança das notas, tornando-as mais resistentes à replicação. Também são realizadas campanhas educativas para sensibilizar o público sobre a moeda falsa e as suas consequências. Avanços tecnológicos em segurança monetária @topnotesquality) £CA$$€¥ £- Mais informações: 🔥 💯 ( £CA$$€¥ £-💲☎️WhatsApp…………..[ +1(331)642–0693] 👍£A$$€¥ £-–0693 🔥Telegrama…………….[ +1(331)642–0693] À medida que os falsificadores se tornam mais sofisticados, os governos e os bancos centrais inovam continuamente para se manterem um passo à frente. Os avanços tecnológicos desempenham um papel crucial no fortalecimento da segurança das notas. Recursos como microimpressão, tinta que muda de cor e padrões complexos são integrados às notas, tornando a falsificação cada vez mais desafiadora. O advento das moedas digitais, como as criptomoedas, também apresenta novas oportunidades no combate ao dinheiro falsificado. Protegendo-se contra moeda falsa Embora as instituições financeiras e os governos tomem medidas para combater a moeda falsa, os indivíduos também devem ser proactivos na protecção contra o dinheiro falso. É essencial familiarizar-se com os recursos de segurança das notas genuínas, como marcas d'água, fios de segurança e impressões em relevo. Além disso, ter cautela durante transações em dinheiro, especialmente com pessoas desconhecidas ou em ambientes desconhecidos, pode minimizar o risco de ser vítima de moeda falsa.
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LV 14 Badge


While prone to archaic or foreign phraseology and typos, Legion20 is nonetheless an excellent storyteller who weaves characters with more dimensions and character facets than I've seen in almost any other story. The magic system is robust and complex, yet approachable. The world itself is alive in more ways than one. I recommend this story extremely highly.
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LV 13 Badge


It's hard to describe SM as a truly great novel. Though, the first 1/3 part of the story was really good and well-written, it falls off so hard after that you'd sometimes wonder if the author just hired someone to write for him. From the writer using all kinds of tropes you can think of, to recycling of and unnecessary dragging of plotlines. At some point, the novel just became so full of holes that drained everything that made it great and all that's left are the endless loop of recycled plotlines, crazy stupid plot holes, and cheap and forced dramas just to make the novel longer. This novel could have been so much better. Pity that the author just seem to be milking it for more money now.
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An amazing story line with great characters .
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LV 14 Badge


Just an amazing read, the world building and character development is immense. I feel like I'm reading a well established animé.
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[img=golden ticket][img=golden ticket][img=golden ticket][img=golden ticket]
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Yyyu is a good one too I like the way he looks at her
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very nice story. i really love it. thank you author
Reveal Spoiler
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Très intéressant pour des histoires écrites en anglais
Reveal Spoiler
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Good [img=golden ticket][img=golden ticket][img=golden ticket][img=golden ticket][img=golden ticket][img=golden ticket][img=golden ticket][img=golden ticket]
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40 chapters in, my overall rating is 3.7 Writing Quality - 3.4 Often clumsy and awkward, the author seems young and inexperienced, resulting in the dialogue being less than believable. It is easy to read, however, and maybe the author will grow over time. Story Development - 3.7 I'll give the benefit and put it at 4. The story isn't anywhere near the level of plot developments you see in Shadow Slave, but it has the potential to be an enjoyable read. It's a bit simple but more enjoyable than the usual cultivation novels, which focus too much on cultivation at the expense of a story, where the cultivation becomes the story. World Building - 3.8 Right now, the magic system is far too simple and not very well constructed. But I imagine that in over a thousand chapters, it will inevitably evolve and grow so I just have to give it a chance Characters - 3.8 I like the ruthlessness, but the character suffers from bad writing quality. I wish the author wouldn't constantly have the character think about how much he loves his family and would do anything to protect them. Instead, he should describe his feelings towards the situations and developments. Instead of having him declare his thoughts, explain that he felt worried, panicked, or concerned about a danger or a threat looming in the forest so close to where his family lived. A threat that has already injured, maimed, or killed experienced hunters could at any time burst out and pose a danger to his own family if left alone. Instead of declaring his thoughts about his sick sister, say that his heart ached to see her coughing in pain, to see her frail figure who couldn't go outside to play like all the other kids, and to see the worried faces of their parents to see her live like that, as well as the resolve and determination he felt in wanting to create a cure. Show, don't tell. Stability of Updates - 5 There are over a thousand chapters, so I'll give full credit to the author. in this aspect.
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40 chapters in, my overall rating is 3.7 Writing Quality - 3.4 Often clumsy and awkward, the author seems young and inexperienced, resulting in the dialogue being less than believable. It is easy to read, however, and maybe the author will grow over time, I hope. Story Development - 3.7 I'll give the benefit and put it at 4. The story isn't anywhere near the level of plot developments you see in Shadow Slave, but it has the potential to be an enjoyable read. It's a bit simple but more enjoyable than the usual cultivation novels, which focus too much on cultivation at the expense of a story, where the cultivation becomes the story. World Building - 3.8 Right now, the magic system is far too simple and not very well constructed. But I imagine that in over a thousand chapters, it will inevitably evolve and grow so I just have to give it a chance Characters - 3.8 I like the ruthlessness, but the character suffers from bad writing quality. I wish the author wouldn't constantly have the character think about how much he loves his family and would do anything to protect them. Instead, he should describe his feelings towards the situations and developments. Instead of having him declare his thoughts, explain that he felt worried, panicked, or concerned about a danger or a threat looming in the forest so close to where his family lived. A threat that has already injured, maimed, or killed experienced hunters could at any time burst out and pose a danger to his own family if left alone. Instead of declaring his thoughts about his sick sister, say that his heart ached to see her coughing in pain, to see her frail figure who couldn't go outside to play like all the other kids, and to see the worried faces of their parents to see her live like that, as well as the resolve and determination he felt in wanting to create a cure. Show, don't tell. Stability of Updates - 5 There are over a thousand chapters, so I'll give full credit to the author. in this aspect.
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awesome book to read¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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the thing that will make you fall in love with this novel is the character development, and the the world building.
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So much wasted potential. So much wasted potential.So much wasted potential.So much wasted potential.So much wasted potential.......................
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This is the type of story that should have ended faster and in less then 1.5kish mark but it keeps on going. now i am just bored of the series.
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I just checked. All these reviews are fake. It seems they repeat every few pages.... 1 star trash trying to trick people for views...........................
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Good Book!!!! Very nice to read…. Cool!!
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je ne lis pas l anglais donc je n ai rien compris
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I don't like these kinds of books, but this one makes me change my mind.
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Very good. Keep writing. [img=update][img=update]
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I really recommend this story, it was appetizing
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im loving this book!!! I need more money to finish it.
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Absolutely incredible work, can’t wait to read more x
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wow. Nice novel I really enjoyed reading this
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It is a good book I will have to read it again sometime .
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LV 1 Badge

great work. really good char development
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very decent over would read again if I was able
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this one is good the adventure and the action that gives the story an amazing plot twist.
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