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    Kisah seorang gadis cantik yang hidupnya penuh dengan kegelisahan dan ketakutan,yang setiap hari selalu diawali dengan kesedihan dalam hatinya,merasa sendiri dan merasa tidak punya siapapun dalam hidupnya,pernah berpikir mengakhiri hidupnya. Dikelilingi oleh masyarakat yang toxic membuatnya semakin terpuruk. "setiap hari pasti seperti ini."gumam Daniza dengan wajah sendu. Gadis cantik bernama Daniza Gheisa berusia 20 tahun,terus menyalahkan dirinya sendiri dengan apa yg terjadi dalam hidupnya,depresi,emosi serta amarah sangat melekat pada dirinya. Perceraian orang tuanya membuatnya menjadi gadis yang sangat pendiam dan introvert bahkan dibenci oleh ke 2 kakaknya,sudah tidak ada lagi Daniza Gheisa yang manja,ceria dan periang. Bahkan sampai sekarang Daniza tidak tau apa penyebab orang tuanya berpisah. Tapi pada suatu hari sesuatu mengubah dirinya,mengubah cara berfikir dan cara pandangnya,mulai mencoba mencintai dirinya sendiri,seseorang yang temuinya secara tidak sengaja,bukan pertemuan secara langsung melainkan pertemuan secara virtual,seseorang yang selalu membawa pesan positif terhadap banyak orang,dermawan,pintar dan berkarisma membuat Daniza penasaran terhadap seseorang tersebut. Hingga Daniza mencari tau semua tentangnya,tanpa Daniza sadari dia terjebak dalam pencariannya sendiri,dia menemukan pintu masuk tapi tidak dengan pintu keluarnya.tapi walaupun begitu dia tidak menyesalinya,dia memilih bertahan didalamnya,awalnya dia berpikir kalau dia sendirian dengan berjalan jauh didalam pencarianya terhadap seseorang itu,ternyata dia tidak sendiri ada banyak orang dari berbagai negara,umur,suku yang juga berada didalamnya dan dengan alasan dan masalah hidup yang hampir sama dengannya. "Aku pikir hanya aku sendiri didalam sini."ucapnya dengan terpaku. Dia sedikit tersenyum dengan apa yang dilihatnya,dia berhenti dan mematikan laptopnya menyimpanya di meja samping tempat tidurnya.lalu membaringkan tubuhnya dikasur karna hari sudah malam waktunya tidur, Pagi haripun tiba,sinar mentari pagi masuk menembus cerah tirai yang menutupi jendela kamarnya,dan membuat gadis cantik itu terbangun,tidak seperti biasanya yg langsung mandi tapi kali ini dia membuka laptopnya untuk melihat seseorang yang berhasil membuatnya tersenyum semalam. Dia benar-benar terjebak keinginan ingin bertemu dengannya terbesit dipikiranya.seseorang itu terus melekat dalam pikirannya sampai lupa kalau jam sudah menunjukkan pukul 8 pagi,dia bergegas kekamar mandi berangkat sekolah Didalam kamar mandi dia masih memikirkan seseorang tersebut,terus tersenyum padahal dia bertemu secara virtual,entah sihir apa yang ada dalam diri seseorang itu sehingga membuatnya jatuh cinta. "Astaga apa aku sudah gila,kenapa aku terus memikirkannya."kata Daniza dengan tersenyum. Pagi ini adalah pagi yang baik baginya,yang biasanya muram dan tampak lesuh,pagi ini tersenyum dengan sumringah nama seseorang itu terus berada dalam pikirannya,pergi sekolah dengan hati yang sangat senang. "Aku akan menemuinya..

  • Eye Of Pentagon

    Eye Of Pentagon


    She didn't know what life planned for her , till she gets hit with the unsettling truth. she has one discission to make and that might be her breaking point. can Mandy save herself while trying to start an impossible relationship? I need your votes, comments and advice since they're my source of inspiration. Thank you !.You're all amazing !

  • She Becomes A Hot Sensation After A Scandalous Affair

    She Becomes A Hot Sensation After A Scandalous Affair



    [Mature Content.] "If they want to hate me so badly, then I’ll double it down. I will be the hottest sensation they will ever see!” * Madeline Rose’ career as a budding young actress was cut short when she found out that her older boyfriend and co-star, Jonathan Hale, was already married with a child. The public hounded her for her affair, even though she was also a victim of deceit as she never knew that she was dating a married man. She lost everything, her career, her good reputation, her future - all of it crumbled to pieces as her boyfriend tossed her under the bus, blaming her for seducing him. She became a public enemy, and her online nicknames were ‘Shameless homewrecker’ and ‘cheating snake!’ Unable to cope with the hate comments, Madeline decided to retire from the entertainment industry. But four years later, she realized she had to pay for her mother’s cancer treatment, and her father's gambling debt. Desperate to earn money, Madeline realized it was best to pander to the rumors. With her amazing acting skills, she easily pretended to be a sexy and dangerous seductress, confidently claiming all the slanders were true. She was indeed the evil homewrecker, Public Enemy No. 1. Even as they cursed her, money flowed in like water. But as she became the headline of many gossip news, Madeline found herself attracting the attention of Lance Grant, a mysterious scion from an aristocratic family who wanted her to be his contractual girlfriend despite all of her controversies. – “I will sponsor your career,” Lance Grant said. “Reality show, modelling, singing, acting on TV shows and movies. I will give you everything if you agree to be my girlfriend.” “Do you not see how controversial I am, Mr. Grant? You’re going to ruin yourself,” Madeline refused. “Because you are pretty and infamous, you’re perfect for me, Madeline Rose.” – With the help of Lance Grant, Madeline restarted her career to become a hot A-list celebrity. But what happens when her ex-boyfriend, Jonathan Hale, divorces his wife and begs Madeline to take him back? * Official Commissioned Cover and Character’s Images by @durudara * Contact me Instagram: @foreverpupa

  • Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World

    Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World



    In a tragic accident, mechanical engineer Poul Nielsen and his best friend, civil engineer Jonathan Axelsen, are killed when a truck crashes into the coffee shop where they were hanging out. Suddenly, they find themselves transmigrated to a parallel world in the late 19th-century country of Avalonia. In this world, they'll need to work tirelessly to earn enough pennies to survive. But they won't settle for just getting by - they want to become the Edison, the Chrysler, the Rockefeller, the Carnegie, the Ford, and the Westinghouse of this new world. In a world without electricity, Poul and Jonathan decide to start an electric power distribution company. But that's not enough - they also want to build appliances and motors to make their business profitable. They see the opportunity to revolutionize ground transportation, and they start an automotive manufacturing company. They tackle huge infrastructure projects such as metro stations, skyscrapers, bridges, tunnels, and dams by starting their own civil engineering firm. They even invest in the arms manufacturing industry. But the road to success won't be easy. Fierce competition awaits them, as robber barons are willing to do everything to crush their competitors. Predator against predator, and government intervention. Poul and Jonathan must use all their engineering expertise and business acumen to navigate this treacherous landscape. Join Poul and Jonathan on their journey to become the wealthiest men in the world in a parallel universe where anything is possible.

  • Jonathan adams

    Jonathan adams

  • Jonathan The Savior

    Jonathan The Savior


    Dikisahkan di sebuah negeri yang sangat maju, tempat di mana banyak umat manusia tinggal di sana. Tetapi, sebagian kecil di negeri itu bukanlah manusia bisa seperti pada umumnya dan disebut dengan Manusia Terpilih. Mereka mempunyai kelebihan yang berbeda-beda, seperti berteleportasi, telekinesis, dan masih banyak lagi.Suatu ketika, beberapa Manusia Terpilih membuat sebuah kelompok yang bernama The Rulers. Mereka berniat untuk menguasai negeri itu dan membuat para Manusia yang Terpilih menjadi ras yang paling berkuasa dari yang lainnya.Seorang anak muda bernama Jonathan mempunyai sebuah mimpi untuk menghancurkan The Rulers. Dibantu dengan teman-temannya yaitu Billy, Mario, Jack, William, Bruno. Apakah mereka berhasil mewujudkan mimpi Jonathan?

  • Imodje Chief Jonathan

    Imodje Chief Jonathan


    A Tale Of A Hidden Secret. (James and John) Chapter 1

  • Jonathan Ehelz

    Jonathan Ehelz

  • Jonathan Cardoso

    Jonathan Cardoso

  • Jonathan hadbery

    Jonathan hadbery

  • Jonathan Wijaya

    Jonathan Wijaya


    Bukan pribadi yang baik.sangat sulit mengontrol emosi dan juga paling mahir menyakiti hati perempuan, itu adalah gambaran paling jelas ketika kita berbicara tentang Jonathan wijaya.Tapi, ketika waktu sudah memainkan perannya. Membuat karakter yang jauh dari kata baik ini jatuh dalam pesona karakter gadis yang paling ia benci. Tanpa menyadari jika hal itu akan sangat menyakiti dirinya sendiri.kamu siap menemani Jonathan? kalo begitu mulailah...

  • Jonathan silweya

    Jonathan silweya

  • Abyss Online: Reborn As The Final Boss with SSS-Rank Skills

    Abyss Online: Reborn As The Final Boss with SSS-Rank Skills



    Jonathan Fuldry, or better known in-game as “Zero”, has dedicated every waking moment of his life to beating Abyss Online, becoming the best solo player in the scope of the virtual world. Considered the most difficult game in the world, Abyss Online has remained unbeaten since its launch. Being a MMORPG with complete, full-dive virtual reality technology, it leaves with only one life–if they die, it’s game over for their account. After defeating the final boss in a climactic battle, Zero relishes his victory, only to find an odd item in his inventory: “Sin Reincarnation.” Using the peculiar item obtained from the final boss, his entire class changes, becoming the Dark Emperor himself as the mantle of “final boss” becomes his own. Soon enough, news of this reaches the ears of every player within Abyss Online, sparked by a competition hosted by the developers: [Whoever manages to defeat “Zero” will receive $1,000,000. If “Zero” conquers the main city or wipes out every other player, the prize is his. With each day, the bounty will rise another million. Good luck, players of Abyss Online.] -- This is my WSA 2024 entry, so please show support if you enjoy the story! I'll release bonus chapters based on your support! 100 PS = 1 BONUS 250 PS = 2 BONUS 500 PS = 3 BONUS

  • Contractually Married

    Contractually Married



    As they openly say 'life isn't fair', well for me, that's exactly the definition of my own life...not until I reached the age of 18, where I signed the most stupid arrangement and contract in my life. Do you know what consist of that 'so-called' arrangements? Well, let me tell you... it's just me and my name who and which is going to be tied 'contractually' to the end of the name of my jerk of a (so-called) husband. You heard that---Contractually? Yes. We're just going to be 'contractually 'married' for five years.. for five long years. And since it's only for five years, we don't have to act like those typical husband and wife or a lovey-dovey-couple that you can see everywhere holding each other's hands while walking, hugging, kissing.. and ohh.. eating each other's face. Because that's exactly the opposite situation of our 'marriage'. He hates me with all his guts and same with me, although I really don't know why and where his hates coming from. - - - - - - - - - - - - So, here I am... Arriana Angela Kelley- Smith, married to Alexander Jonathan Smith who is known to be one of the successful and richest bachelor 'slash' womanizer in the whole business state of California. Hmmp! little did they know, he was already married 'to me' four years ago.



    Have you ever thought about being the most popular person, the most beautiful, and the most perfect person? You must think that such a person has the most amazing life. But the reality wasn't so kind to him at all.

  • La Historia de Jonathan

    La Historia de Jonathan


    Nuestros protagonistas, llamados: Jonathan, Luna y Francisco, se encargarán de vivir grandes aventuras. Todo esto, junto a los tres Nakamas legendarios, llamados: Jonatán, Cesar y Tom. En una misión, tras un gran giro de acontecimientos, los protagonistas serán separados, dando paso a la saga intergaláctica, donde conocerán a los 5 planetas elementales y a otro planeta tierra, donde se reencuentran y lucharán contra muchos más enemigos.¡Nuestro elenco estará conformado por!:Jonathan Ortiz, como el protagonista talentoso, pero muy menso.Luna Cabrera, como la mejor amiga y rival de Jonathan. Francisco Abruzzace, como hermano de otra madre de Jonathan, que es sumamente apasionado. El Maestro Cesar, como el Maestro Cesar Tom Cruise, no se confundan, no es el actor, pero si es tremendo detective y el marido de Cesar.Sabrina, como la mamá de Jonathan José, el que te la puso y se fue... digo, como el papá de Luna Clio, como la amiga pacífica y tierna del grupo.Mica, como la ex rival de Jonathan. Mauro, como el primo de Clio y Rival de Francisco.

  • Taming Mr. Cold and Arrogant

    Taming Mr. Cold and Arrogant



    A SEQUEL of CONTRACTUALLY MARRIED *Arrianna Angela/Rian and Alexander Jonathan/Alex *Sophia Ysabelle/Sophia/Belle and Daniel/Dani ~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~ Sophia Ysabelle, 26 years old, accepted the life-changing deal of marrying the famous billionaire, Daniel Kelley, not for his money but for his name. They have different reasons for marrying each other. Daniel needs a woman to pretend as his wife to get the biggest investment for their company, that will lead them to the top-grossing company in the whole state of California. While Sophia needs someone 'powerful' on her back while still seeking justice for what happened to her in the past. But there is a big problem between the two of them, they couldn't stand alone in one place facing each other. Daniel is a cold and arrogant billionaire with a smile as precious as a diamond, and who already put her under his judgement from the very first time they met. And Sophia is a stubborn yet resilient woman who never backs down from anyone's judgement, not even from her future husband's rudeness. But in the end, will she tell him her real reason for marrying him? When he finds out the truth, will he continue to judge her? Will he be able to protect her from her dark past or he will just remain cold and arrogant husband towards her? "Never judge someone without knowing the whole story. You may think you understand, but you don't" *Rian* ~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~°~~~~~~~

  • Who killed Jonathan Badowee?

    Who killed Jonathan Badowee?

    "My name is Karen and I have a complaint. My son was told by one of your teachers that he couldn't play netball. I feel that is very offensive and I wish to speak to your manager."

  • Gab

    Gab Elise jonathan marga

  • Adventures of Jonathan stone.

    Adventures of Jonathan stone.
